(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello folks

How do you seasoned travellers cope with all those long haul flights? I loathe them! I am not phobic but just find them sooooo boring as I can never seem to sleep and can only manage to read for a short while. I really like the sound of the US trips but the flying time is putting me off. Maybe I should just grin and bear it 😕 Any suggestions?

  • (Member)
Even though I have travelled around the whole world now, I am still not a great lover of long haul flights, but I WANT to travel to see countrys and explore this world of ours so to do this you HAVE to fly long haul. Once I had been to Australia all the way with just a refuel in Singapore, nothing seems to bad now!!!!! ha ha ha.

I cannot sleep on planes either, to be honest the I Pod works for me as I can relax and chill out to all the music I never find time to REALLY listen to. Readin a good book that holds my interest works as well, and I have learnt how to watch a film now while being trapped in a seat. Do you do crosswors or puzzels etc that might help you. Then there are the many meals they dish up and drinks etc.. so time does pass. it's not easy but I want to see what is at the other end of the flight.. so I am afraid I would say grin and bear it you have so much to experience and see when you get there. I have donw 3 JY tours to USA....

Boston, New England and New York. ... Fantastic... I could live in New England..

Nashville and Memphis...My kinda music Grand Old Opry and Graceland, what more can a girl ask for.

East Coastliner...Exhausting but so much civil war history I was totally in awe fantastic trip.


Mick W
  • (Member)
Like you I tend not to sleep on flights and they can be boring.

I tend to take a puzzle book, usually watch one of the films provided and take my MP3 player and listen to music at other periods. Add those 3 activities to eating the meals and it helps kill some of the time.

Of course its a big bonus if you get sat with someone who you can chat with.

  • (Member)

My sister swears by valium !!


sweet pea
Try not to be put off by long haul flights. When you get there you'll certainly realise that it was worth it. Although i have flown lots of times before i have never used the inflight entertainment.Most other people do and seem to find loads to keep them entertained. I take a small pack of cards and that usually uses up an hour or so , then theirs the usual magazines, a book,newspaper and choosing duty free, not forgetting meals and drinks. I know its not exciting but you can save the excitement for your destination.
  • (Member)
As a Just You Tour manager its never easy but.............most of the airlines we use have seat back screens witha range of the latest and classic movies, TV programmes and a range of CDs and Music. On some airlines you can flick through a catalogue of CDs and creaze your own playlist to listen to at times throughout the flight picking the songs you like best., The first 15 minutes get taken up learning how to use the system. Then 10-15 minutes working out what you are going to watch. Then 20 minutes to collate your most airlines have a selection of soft drinks available in the galley so you can wander up, stretch your legs and help yourself. On our long haul tours a passs for the business lounge is included before the flight to break the ice with fellow travellers and as much as the airlines allow us we seat the groups in the same area so usually there is someone in the galley to chat to.

Daniel Adams

Yep - grin and bear it! Because it is all worthwhile when you get there.

If you think about the flight as part of your holiday, rather than something awful you have to go through, you will enjoy it more. Think positive....and enjoy!

Be happy,

Lesley :angel:

I am the same as you. I hate long haul flights...I cannot sleep, reading is impossible and trying to watch a film is out of the question. The thing is, I am hooked on North America, about to go on my 4th Just You trip there. I just accept the fact the flight out and the one back are going to be terrible, but, the holiday in between makes it all worth while. Just accept the flights as they are and have a great time on holiday.



I have done 2 long haul one to china (not with JY) and one to USA (JY). After each one I thought never again. But when it comes to booking my next holiday the idea of the adventure of new and distant places makes the thought of a long flight a distant memory and I book another one. My next is to Vietnam and the total travel time is 19 hours including a 3 hour wait at a change of flight airport. at least it breaks the journey.

I find day flights go quicker as when travelling at night I can't sleep in a seat so it seems longer. All the other posts give good advice on how to keep from being bored. Just think of the destination ahead and it will be worth while.

On the flight to USA with Just You the others on the tour were seated together so it gives time to get to know fellow travellers.


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks to all those that replied. You guys are great! It's encouraged me to 'bite the bullet' and just book up. I will look forward to meeting some of you 🙂 USA here I come!
Hi Blue_eyedGirl,

I only go on coach trips with JY, but I fly long haul with other tour operators at least once a year and like you I loathe them. I did a twelve and a half hour economy class flight to Thailand last year and it was horrendous. Cramped conditions, hot and clammy, horrid food, constant noise, smelly and claustrophobic toilets.....absolutely awful!

I'm flying to the Dominican Republic later this year and because I hate the flights so much I've paid for the premium economy upgrade. I resent doing it but at least I'll get a bit more legroom and some slightly more edible food. Oh how I envy those rich people who can afford first class!

Flying, even short haul, is now such an unpleasant experience it must put some people off. However there doesn't seem to be a lot of choice. If the choice is staying at home or lying on a beach in the Caribbean drinking a few cuba libres then get me on that plane! :cool:


Trish 2
I hate flying and am a very nervous flyer. I can't sleep or eat on flights. I tend to break it down hour by hour. So first hour is settling in, take off flicking through channels etc. Then a magazine which doesn't take a lot of concentration. Followed by puzzles and ipod etc. By breaking long flights down into bite size chunks, it becomes much more managable. As per previous replies, the end result makes it all worthwhile. You will have a fab time in America - go fot it :)