val cavill
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
I have been a widow for the last 14 months and now feel it is time to get out and travel again. I am basically a shy person until I get to know people and thought I might try the Viareggio Carnival are there any like minded people who can advise me and give me the push I need to start travelling again. Fear of the unknown is the only thing stopping me - all my family and friends say I should just do it but I am just a little anxious being the first time alone. I used to travel a lot with my late husband. I am 63 years old and feel a little stupid not taking the plunge.
  • (Member)

Please go FOR IT, these dolidays are just fine, I have done 4 in two years and allready have another booked for next year...I have travelled on my own, so know how you feel. I came back yesterday from USA, I went with a lady I meet on my 1st USA holiday, and next year I am going to Austria with 2 ladies I meet when I travelled to Poland.... so nice holidays, and you might meet someone to travel with on a future holiday..... so pick a holiday and ENJOY!!!!!!

Strangers are just friends you have not met yet!!

Cindy Dinsmore

val cavill
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for the confidence to go for it. Baby sitting over the weekend but wil book on my return. Thanks again
Hello Val,

I'm in exactly the same position, lost my husband in August 2007. I'm 64 and feel very nervous at the thought of travelling alone. I have booked to go on a trip in February next year to the Isles of Scilly, just to try out JY, and am wondering if I have done the right thing. Family and friends are very encouraging but....! Well, good luck to us both. I will check for an answer from you and let you have my email if you wish to have a chat.



  • (Member)
Hi Val and Carol,

I was widowed almost three years ago (I'm 70) and I'm going on my 4th Just you holiday to USA in February. I was petrified before I went on the first one to Italy but it was so fantastic that now I'm addicted!! Remember everyone is on their own and just as anxious as you are and everyone wants to be friendly. Get booking and stop worrying!!

