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(Member) (Topic Starter)
I have only just registered but am seriously thinking about taking the plunge.

I quite like the idea of Walking in Greece and though I am a fairly fit 61 year old I don't want to be the only 'granny' on the trip.

Has anyone else done this or thinking about doing this and, if so, can you give me some idea of the age of the group/your age?


Denise R
I'd say take the plunge.I went on my first holiday last year, walking in Greece.The age range was from 26 to around 75 and the group got on fine.I'm 44 and the older members put me to shame.The walks are all at a comfortable pace with the idea of enjoying the surrounding countryside rather than running a marathon.Evryone was made to feel welcome and the guides were great.My only advice would be to take a good insect repellant.I enjoyed it so much i'm off to China in November.Have fun.
  • (Member)
I'm still not sure about it either. I am 60 years old and fit apart from a bit of arthritis in my knees which only bothers me occasionally. I am also friendly but a little shy when first meeting people. I'm married but my husband doesn't like to travel and I'm missing out. Could anyone recommend a holiday which would suit a woman of my age. This will be the first time on my own. I like to walk, sightsee and relax. I would prefer something not too far away for the first time, although I do really fancy New England.

I'm a bit unsure about booking a walking holiday in case I can't keep up. I'm ok on the flat but not so good up and down hills.

Gosh, I've made myself sound quite decrepit - I'm not really - I'm an active granny of three with quite a wicked sense of humour.


  • (Member)
Hello ! Please do not hesitate ! I have just come back from a trip to Peru and I was absolutely petrified before I went ! But it turned out to be a fantastic trip. The tour guide was brilliant and never let us 'feel alone'. Our age group went from 40 to 83!! I am 60 but spent most of my time with the 'girl' who was 40 - just had the same sense of humour!! SO don't hesitate GO FOR IT!!


  • (Member)
I looked at the brochure for too long and have at last taken the plunge.I 've actually booked to go to Provence at the end of May. This will be the very first time I've been on holiday on my own!!!! Any one else going?


  • (Member)
Hi there,

I have booked to go on the Magical Madeira trip on 19th September 2007. This will be my first holiday on my own. I am 60 years old, granny of three young children, who keep me fit. I am married but my husband does not like to travel. I feel I am missing out so have taken the plunged and booked with Just You.

I am quite nervous and would love to hear from anyone else who will going on this trip.


  • (Member)

Did you ever take the plunge and book a holiday if so which one did you choose.

Hello Hazel

Like you I am married, but would like to take a holiday, husband has cycling holidays, or takes a bike when we go away,!!! so not much fun for me. Whereabouts are you, perhaps we could make contact.