(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Girls Well Sharon I fancy "The Lakes" because it's so much easier for me for "Gatwick". Cindy, how about you??. I can't do Heathrow(the other one is H/row). What do you think? I am happy for May 10th if all agreed. Just say the word and I'll "Just You" it(book it) it does sound rather nice.The hotel overlooking the Lake lovely. Reply soon. Regards Rosemary

  • (Member)
Hi Rosemary and Sharon.

I have been in touch with Kathleen, and she said she would check this board out soon OK.

Out of Austrian Trips I quite fancied the Austrian Lakes..do you think weather will be OK in MAY??, do you think we need to book it this early?? 11 months in advance .I know when I booked Australia this far in advance I got so excited in the build up that when they cancelled it was upsetting so now I leave booking till much later on. What do you think ?

Cindy Dinsmore

Hi Cindy and Rosemary,

I'm happy to visit the Austrian lakes on 10th May next year. If you're definitely going to book it then I will as well - let me know. Presumably the earlier we book the better as they're less likely to cancel if they have definite bookings - if you know what I mean. It would be great if Kathleen came too!


  • (Member)
Sharon and Rosemary.

Looks like its the lakes then !!! I shall drop Kathleen a line and see if she fancy's it. She Has a MAN at the moment so she might be busy? I will go but wont be booking just yet as I am booked for East Coastliner in Oct. and Ian and I hope to go away earley Sept. so will have to do a bit of money juggling wont be a problem???

So COUNT me in OK.

Luv Cindy Dinsmore.

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Ok girls, they don't usually cancel European Holidays,I don't never mind booking early,well I will book within the next couple of days Sharon and Cindy as I will go on this trip regardless ( however I really would like to share it with my friends)Sharon and Rosemary are agreeable. Well sorry Cindy you lost the vote so BOOK NOW OR ELSE. I WILL LET YOU KNOW WHEN I HAVE BOOKED OK?? Cindy the weather will be fine, best time of the year for touring. Nothing better than Spring mornings in Austria (The Hills will be alive when we get there)Take care.Look forward to your replies

Hi Rosemary, Cindy and Sharon,

Sorry I've been away from the boards, life got in the way! I've finally answered some of the other message boards. Austria sounds great, I've been twice, and have done both mountains and lakes. I'll look into going, but can't book annual leave for May 2009 until January. What's this about some of you posting photos on JY site? I'll have to check it out.


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Well Eileen how lovely to hear from you hope all is well ?? Have i got to get a new hat yet?? glad there is someone in your life(you deserve it) Well Sharon and Cindy I will book it and hope you will follow,I will let you know when all booked.I am going toThe Azores in Oct and then Ireland in March so I have to be a bit thrifty.I found this over 55's uk book looks good so booked for 5 days in Kerry and Killarney,need to discover a bit of the UK,really don't know much about it.I've got no chance of retiring with all these holidays. Speak to you all later Regards Rosemary x

Dear Cindy, Rosemary and Kathleen,

Okay, I'll book the Austrian Lakes then!


P.S. What's a MAN!!!!

  • (Member)
Sharon, Rosemary and Kathleen,

Austrian Lakes. May 2009

I will book in a while....lets get SUMMER out the way!!!,

Sharon I have had my man for 26 years so enjoy your freedom Ha ha!!

Rosemary...your having more holidays than me by the sounds of it,, ENJOY!!

Cindy Dinsmore

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Sharon, fancy asking me what a MAN is,I'll stick to my habit (got it) HaHa. Ok, all systems go I tried to book online but could'nt so I am going to phone and book. Good Luck Friends speak soon.This Man I think shaves, and has two legs, and wears trousers ,but then that could be a woman??

Now I'm confused.

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Just to let you know it is now 5.18 p.m. on a beautiful sunny day 9th June 2008 and I have just booked my "Austrian Lakes" for May 10th 2009.So get going girls and we'll have a great time. Regards Rosemary ( Everyone Welcome)
Dear All,

I've just booked 'Austrian Lakes' too. I'm beginning to remember........are men something to do with Cindy's leiderhosen!


  • (Member)

I think you are getting very PLAYFUL, Rosemary and I had better warn the MEN in Austria that you will be on your way.... I do hope we go to an Austrian night that will be as funny as the Polish night..Men in dress up how exciting ..

Cindy Dinsmore

  • (Member)
Right then Rosemary and Sharon

I have booked today 27th June for the Austrian lakes Holiday 10th May.....so look forward to seeing you both then...

Love Cindy x

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Cindy,I am over the moon. I am very surprised you booked it now after what you said. Well done Nanny, I can't wait to see you and whats her name, was it Sharon(the shy one)? I somehow don't think so now.She's a very experienced JY traveller?? Have a great summer and save yourself for the Winter!Speak to both of you soon. Regards Rosemary x x

  • (Member)
Rosemary and Sharon.

I thought I had better book now just in case there wasnt a place left, and so I could make sure that I was there to take charge of you two, so Sharon doesnt get led astray, and that Rosemary you are eating healthy diet....

Sharon you still having trouble remembering what a MAN is??? I can allways send Ian down to you for a weekend if you would like.

Austria Here we come!!!!! well next year...

Cindy Dinsmore.

Dear Cindy and Rosemary,

I'm glad you made the booking, Cindy, and am looking forward to meeting you both again next year.
