  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi - Does anybody who has been on the Antigua trip have any info on the holiday and the resort - what to expect, the weather, climate/humidity, safety and security when there etc, Be extremely useful to know. Kind Regards Karen
Hi Karen

went to Antigua some years ago and having finaly plucked up the courage to book my first JY holiday I am on my way back there in about 6/7 weeks, from what I remember the word I would use is hot as far as the weather is concerned, very hot with blazing sun shine needing a high spf sun screen. would also advise plenty of bug spray and invest in a plug in mozzie repelant for night time. It is a tropical climate so bugs are quite prolific. the people were friendly, polite and quite helpful so long as they recived the same in return. Didn't stay at this resort but have been reading reviews about it and they are very mixed but In my eyes a holiday is what you make it, it's a 3 and a half star resort so long as you don't go looking for 5 star service I think you'll have a fab time, Oh and I did the Jeep Safari last time and have every intention of doing it again it was so great. I'm going in September, when are you going? If I'm going before you be happy to let you know how it all went.Hope this has been of some help to you and hope to hear back from you soon Janice.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Janice, Thank you for your reply, it is useful. I am going on 4th November so you will be going before me. It would be great to hear how you get on and what you think of it. I hope you have a lovely time. Karen
hi Karen,

Its nice to see someone else booked on this holiday as i have just book to go on the 4th of november trip. have never been before.

I am going to Antigua on the 16th September it will be my first single holiday so i am excited and at the same time quite nervous, but you have to bite the bullet and try these new experiences or life gets boring!

All i can think about is Sunshine and glorious white sandy beaches:)

See you on September 16th.

I am so glad to see some one else is going on September 16th, was begining to think I might be on my own. I am so looking forward to it, It is coming up really quickly too. Can't believe it is only a month away now. It will be great to see you there. Janice
Hi Karen

I've just booked to go on the 4 November trip to Antigua too. So there at least two of us on it! Any one else out thee going too?

Really looking forard to it.

It's my first trip to the Caribbean, but I am really looking froard to it, even though it's going to be the rainy season. I'm going to go snorkelling, and learn to skuba dive, drink cocktails and sun bathe. How about you?

Do you know of any plans for us all to meet up before we fly from Gatwick? I'd love to meet everyone before we go.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Gillian, great that you'll be on the same trip, it's my first holiday on my own too(just realised my username probably suggests I am 55 yrs old - not the case I am 45)Kind Regards Karen
  • (Member)
Hi Girls

I'm going to Antiqua on the 16th September, looking forward to sun, sea and sand. Look forward to meeting you all at Gatwick. I was in China in May with Just You and they are great, met lots of nice people, hope to do the same again.

Best Wishes


Hi girls

I'm off to Antigua on 4th November and really looking forward to it. It will be my first time to the Caribbean as well, although I have been on many JY holidays and enjoyed them all.

I spoke to someone at JY yesterday about this holiday and they said that there have been excellent reviews, so it looks like we are all in for a good time!

I'm so looking forward to having a fab time relaxing in the sun (and sampling the cocktails) before the gloom of another English winter.

Looking forward to meeting those going Nov 4th.

Best wishes


  • (Member)
Hi, looking forward to Antigua on the 16th Sept ..... My very first solo holiday too, so a little nervous! Look forward to meeting new friends. Does anyone know what type of adaptors you need? See you soon


Hi Wendy, you need the same type of addapters that are used in the States. I too will be a solo holiday newbe and am really looking forward to meeting everyone. See you very soon, Janice x