  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I am a new member and have just booked the above trip. This will be my first time with Just You so wonder if there is anyone who will be flying from Manchester/Heathrow to join the trip. Would welcome dialogue with anyone who will be on this trip as I am little apprehensive as this will be the first time I have travelled entirely on my own. Hoping to hear from anybody who will instill confidence in me that I have done the right thing.
  • (Member)
Hi Dot,

I've booked on this trip and it will be my first time with Just You too. I'll be travelling from Heathrow so will meet everyone there. The last time I checked there were 22 people booked on this trip so you might be lucky and find someone to travel from Manchester with. I'm quite nervous about meeting lots of new people but also very excited about the trip. Once we are under way I'm sure it will be ok as most people are travelling alone. See you at Heathrow on the 2nd Sep.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Anne, pleased to hear from you at one point I thought I was the only one on the trip but you know of 22 other people so thats better. I too will be nervous but guess after the initial meeting and the long air journey we will have time to loosen up and get to know people. Have you any thoughts on which currency we should take? - perhaps at a later date Just You may recommend what to take - Dot
  • (Member)
Hi Dot,

I'm not sure about the currency. I was going to ask at the Post Office but I haven't done yet. It might be worth asking via the Editor or Tour Manager message boards or even just a general enquiry here as lots of people have been before. We shouldn't need that much anyway - just for souvenirs really and of course a few drinkies as all the food is included as far as I know. Anyway plenty of time to find out. I'm still very excited about the trip, how about you? Anne

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Anne, thanks for response I too was wondering abou various things so decided yesterday to ask the Tour Manager about currency, vaccinations etc only to find after submitting you had beaten me to it. I dont think vaccs were covered because if we need any you cant leave it to the last minute. I went to Dom Republic 2 years ago and had some but as usual cant remember only can remember taking maleria tablets. Any more news on the numbers going to China? Is going on an add on

open to us i.e., Yangtse cruise or Hong Kong

or are they only open to the 10 day tour people? If you have any news be glad to receive it

Love Dot

  • (Member)
Hi Dot and Anne. I too am on the Shanghai special on 2 September joining at Heathrow. Although I have been to Spain alone a couple of times to a friends apartment I have never done anything like this. Am also nervous and wondering, like you, about the combination of currency to take and vaccinations. Might phone GP tomorrow about vaccinations. Keep in touch and maybe we can help each other out. Sally

Hi, I'm booked on this holiday and I can't wait! I've been on a Just You holiday before so I know I will be well looked after. I'm still nervous about meeting up at Heathrow though so it's nice to see a few names here. Look forward to meeting you.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sally and Sheila, Good to hear at least one of us have travelled with Just You before. I too am looking forward to the trip but hope we arent quarantined in the hotel like the school trips are now. I am flying down to Heathrow from Manchester but havent heard of anyone else yet doing that trip. Keep in touch if you have any good tips to pass on Dot25
Hi everyone. Not long now and I can't wait! How are you getting to Heathrow? Can't make up my mind whether to drive and park or get the National Express coach. Only problem with the coach is my return journey, I don't get back until 00:15 which is a drag and I've got work the next day. Think I'll probably opt to drive. I understand this tour is fully booked but there's only a few of us communicating here. Anyone else out there going to join us? Looking forward to meeting you all and to hearing from you soon. Sheila
  • (Member)
Hi everyone,

I'm booked on this trip too. It's my first singles holiday and my first trip with Just You although I have travelled alone before. I'm really looking forward to the tour and meeting everyone else. Jill.

  • (Member)
Hello everyone.

I'm really excited about this trip, only 4 weeks to go. Injections all up to date and most of the shopping done. Can't decide how much currency to take. I'm a bit nervous about the initial meeting at Heathrow but once we get past that I'm sure it will be ok. Looking forward to meeting lots of new friends. See you all at the airport. Anne

  • (Member)
Hi all, am getting excited and nervous about the trip. My main worry is what to take in the way of clothes. Don't want to run out but on the other hand want some space to bring a few things back. Will just have to get everything out and start eliminating! See you all at Heathrow.


  • (Member)
Hi All,

Just discovered this forum. I'm booked on this holiday too and am looking forward to the trip, apart from the flight, although with all the news about China such as pneumonic plague, cyclones, flood and landslides it doesn't sound too appealing. Still China is a big country!



  • (Member)
Hi Jim, thanks for your message, i'm glad you're looking forward to your holiday to China with us.

I know there's been quite a lot of things going on in China recently, but fortunately none of these have affected any of our tours. It may well be the case (as it could be for any country you visit) that certain world events cause disruption, but if this does happen i can assure you that you're in safe hands.

We're constantly monitoring the situation in all of our overseas destinations, and we always react quickly to make sure our customers are looked after should something happen. We have a 24 hour duty office here in the UK to assist our customers, as well as our local guides and tour managers being with you every step of the way overseas. The number for our 24 hour duty office will be sent with your final travel documents on a handy credit card type insert.

I'm sure you'll have a great time in China, and let us know if there's anything else we can help with.

Kind regards,

Andy, your editor