(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi - anyone going on this trip??
Yes, me! :o)

I started a message about a month ago when I booked and got no replies, so I thought for a while it was going to be just me and the hungry lions - good to see I won't be the only one!

November is such a long way off though, I've had to pack all my excitement into a bottle and lock it in the back of a cupboard for now... I am trying not to wish my life away between now and then, but I can't wait!


  • (Member)

I'm going on this trip to.That's 3 of us then that we know of.Really looking forward to it


I'm booked on this trip too. My first time with Just You and first time to Africa. It sounds so good i couldn't resist!Really looking forward to it.

  • (Member)
Hi I'm now booked on this trip - didn't hesitate for long over booking it - it sounds perfect! . Already bought bits in the sales! Can't wait.
  • (Member)
Hi folks

I've just booked this trip and it looks fantastic. I've spoken to JY and there are 24 in total in the group, 9 of us have opted for the add-on. Never been on safari before so all tips welcome. Look forward to meeting up and having a wonderful holiday.


Hi all

24 sounds like a good group, any idea of the mix (men to women)? I'm getting really excited have got all my clothes laid out on my spare bed ready to pack!

  • (Member)
I am doing this tour in Sept 2010, when you get back if there are any tips etc, can you please post them on the boards as I would love to hear how you all got on..


  • (Member)
Hi all,

Won't be long now.Iam counting the weeks till we go.Anyone flying down from Edinburgh

Christine C
Hi All

Am also booked on this, plus add on.Never been on holiday on my own before, also my first time travelling with JY. Am very nervous but excited. Is anyone travelling from Exeter/Devon?


I'm travelling from West Midlands by train/bus. Any one any thoughts yet on how much spending money to take and what denominations? I don't want to rely on Visa in case there are loads of bargins but they don't take Visa (i would cry!) but don't want to carry around too much cash either!
  • (Member)
Hi All

I have no idea how much to take either.I suppose it depends on how many trips you do and if you buy lots stuff.I have read you are better taking mostly U S dollers and some kenyan schillings for the lodge.I'm also trying to decide what clothes to take.


Hi everyone,

Less than 3 weeks to go and I am starting to get more than a bit excited about this trip! I have been reading through the messages for the October trip and doing a bit of my own research which I thought I would share with you.


Number 1 on all sites is a safari hat

Back-pack (to put everything in for the safari part of the trip)

neutral coloured clothing

comfortable non-synthetic shorts

long sleeved shirt



Light cotton trousers (linen)

Mossi guard (I have bought extra strength!)

comfortable walking shoes & socks

camera & extra memory cards

I have added a few extras of my own, such as a mossi plug for my room, torch, good book, sun-tan lotion, swim-wear, sun-glasses, etc.

I have also found out that the sockets in Kenya are the same as the UK so no need to carry an adaptor for electrical equipment

Cash-wise, I believe most places take Visa, so that makes life a little easier, and in the main town and at the airport there are cash-points. However, I shall probably take about £250 in Kenyan Shillings. I'm not going to bother with the US dollar; I never fully trust that it is readily accepted anywhere but in the USA and can't see that it will make all that much difference.

Apart from gathering all my bits & bobs together, I have now been injected against just about every disease known to mankine, including Yellow Fever, and have parted with £62 of my hard earned cash for malaria tablets.

Still waiting for my passport & visa to arrive back, but fingers crossed they won't be too long now.

I hope this helps!

I'm excited - is anyone else??!! :o)

Christine C
Very useful info, although tried to do some clothes shopping yesterday and all things summery have disappeared from the shops! Getting very excited now. Have not been asked for my passport for the purchase of my visa-bit worried after reading your message.
More holiday hints for you! :o)

I met someone from Kenya the other day, which was a really amazing coincidence, so I took the opportunity to pick his brains about the whole currency thing.

A number of web-sites and individuals say to take US dollars, but as I said previously, I never find this particularly useful when travelling to other countries, so I thought I would try to get some clarification from my new Kenyan friend... Here's the low-down:-

1. The locally accepted currency is the Kenyan Shilling

2. The US dollar can be exchanged for Kenyan Shillings in hotels and exchange bureau's

3. Locals only accept the Kenyan Shilling for the purchase of goods and services, but do like to be tipped in US dollars (go figure!)

4. There are cashp-points in Kenya, but I was advised ONLY to use them in daylight and NEVER to go to them alone - always pretty good advice when travelling anywhere

So there you have it. I shall stick with my original plan and take only Kenyan Shillings, otherwise I would be paying the currency exchange fee twice - once to convert sterling to dollars and then a second time to convert dollars to shillings...

Hi Christine,

If you haven't already, phone them about your visa application... I phoned a few weeks ago and there had been an oversight in sending the paperwork out - I hope this isn't the case for you, but worst case scenario, you can go to the embassy to sort it out, and you might be better off doing it that way with the postal strikes.

I'm a bit anxious about getting mine back now as when I spoke to someone last week they were saying that I may not get my passport back until we meet at the airport... I am very unhappy with this situation as it will mean that I will not be able to check-in. Also, I am very uncomfortable not having all my paperwork together before heading off to the airport - especially my passport!

  • (Member)
Hi Everyone,

Not long now,2 weeks to go.I'm still waiting on my passport and visa coming and getting a little worried about it.Had all my jabs,have my malaria tabs and going to do a trial run with the packing.Need to sort out my money and that will be me sorted.Got my tickets,well bits of paper,today.I will get to heathrow at 2.30pm at terminal 5 then will make my way to terminal 4.Should make it for check in opening.Hopefully my flight will be on time and not delayed like it was once before.Looking forward to meeting everyone


Thanks for all the tips - really useful. I'm just going to take Kenyan Schillings too then. I didn't quite understand the dollar thing in any case. I'm all ready to go now. Had my jabs and antimaleria tabs at the ready. Travel documents arrived today...........but haven't had my passport and visa back yet. Not sure if should be worried?
Christine C
Hi 5uzanne

Have spoken to someone at JY 3 days running and still getting nowhere, they were supposed to email me an applicationtoday but still nothing. One thing I am sure about I am certainly not letting my passport out of my sight at this late stage, I will just have to sort visa when I get there. Far from ideal as I like to be organised before I set off.

Hello everyone

I hope you all have a lovely time in Kenya, me and my friend Cindy(since meeting on JY holiday) will be going next year.Appreciate all the info when you get back so we can be prepared,this will be my 9th holidsy with JY and have only be disappointed with 1 and really it wasnt JY it was the company.We are all there for the same reason to have fun and enjoy each others company, but not everyone thinks alike.

Have a great time Regards Rosemary