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(Member) (Topic Starter)

Is anyone else out there going to Peru in Oct 2008 - I am doing the Amazon add on also.My first holiday with "Just You" - although i went on my first holiday alone to China last year. Am looking forward to it especially Macchu Pichu. Such an early flight thought it would be good to do the hotel get together the night before so hope to see some of you there.


Kathy A
I have booked to go the Peru too, also its my first trip with Just you. I havent booked the hotel the night before yet but am thinking about it.


hi im a late booker due to returning to singledom is there only 3 of us on this trip?
Cheryl- your editor
Hi Steve, (and to all, also wondering)

Not to worry, there are 10 people booked on this trip...fully booked so all is well!

Cheryl, your editor

Hi has anyone booked hotel night before? Im having to travel down from Manchester?

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
HiYes I have booked the hotel the night before, even though I only live in Hampshire because the flight is so early!!!!!! Hope some of you book it too so we can meet over drinks!

Alli x

Kathy A
I couldnt make my mind up, I am not far from Heathrow. So I have now booked the night before so see you there for drinks.
Kathy A
Hi, Have you booked the amazon add on, I am looking forward to the experience except for some of the bugs. Just trying to work out which clothes to take. See you for drinks at the hotel the night before
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I have booked the amazon add on too and have been freaking myself out by reading about the bugs too in my guide book!!Think malaria tablets may be called for.


Hi everyone,

I'll be traveling down from Nottingham, but I won't be at the evening meal, so I'll see you at Heathrow.

Regarding the bugs when you go up the Amazon, I've been told the best thing to keep them away is Avon Skin So Soft. It certainly worked on the Florida Keys.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Is it the green bottle of skin so soft or the pink???I have the pink so am betting it's the other!


Kathy A
Marmite works really well too, thats if you love it, if not Vitamin B tablets work just as well. Not long to go now. I'd better start getting organised.


You win the bet Alli, the one that was recommended to me was the green one. I don't know if the pink one work aswell. I'm not sure about the marmite, it's fine in a sandwhich but rubbing that on as an insect replent could prove messy, lol.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hee,hee Will probably fend off more than just mossies with rubbing in the marmite!!!Can't stand the stuff!!

Kathy A
Thats what I have been doing wrong lol Am opting for the insect repellant instead As you say marmite could be a bit sticky. Hope your all ready see you Monday