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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Is there anyone going on one of the discovery weekends in Bournemouth. I am so nervous about going on holiday on my own. I have travelled on my own but only to meet my son or daughter abroad so wasn't on my own for the holiday. I am 55 (help!!) and have been on my own for the past 3 years. I am shy and quiet when I don't know people but I need to get a life!!!
Sheila C
Hi Julia. I have just joined and am interested in starting with a discovery weekend at Bournemouth. I can go on the 8th October, you haven't said which w/e you have chosen. I have never been on holiday on my own before and I do miss my holidays. This website sounds great. I am also in my fifties so we could meet up and do this together if you wish.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sheila

I hadn't decided which one yet so the 8th would be good for me. It would be lovely to meet up with someone. Let me know if you are definately booking it and I will as well. We will have courage together!!


Sheila C
Hi Julia,

I feeling quite excited but also nervous. I've decided to take the plunge and I am booking the 8th Oct today. I think we will be fine once we have got there, not sure how I am travelling yet, I will give them a ring and ask about the options. See you there!!!

Sheila C

No availability at Bournemouth, would you fancy the Hampshire Centre Court Hotel at the end of October, there are rooms available there. If you book the coach it will pick you up somewhere near your home. I will be coming from Cornwall.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sheila

The Basingstoke one is only about 20 minutes from me so now sure about that one. I might go for Bournemouth on the 1st. Bit disappointing really so I might end up at Basingstoke just to get away. Want to try one of the New Year holidays as well. Let me know if you've booked and I will think what to do. Have seen the other lady going to Basingstoke as well so you will have someone to meet up with.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sheila

Just decided to go for the 1st as it seems a bit silly to go 20 mins down the road!! Managed to get a place so sorry I won't meet you, maybe another venue when we are old hands!! Hope you manage to get the Hampshire one.


Sheila C
Glad you have done that, I just couldn't do that weekend. I have booked to go to Hampshire now (you aren't far from there then)and looking forward to it. Hope you have a good time. I am already thinking of where to go next year!!!
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sheila

Yes, it did seem a bit silly packing to just go down the road! Glad you have got yours sorted as well. Not sure who else is going on the first as no-one's answered my message for that one!! Am also thinking about one of the New Year one's.


julie w

just booked my first weekend to bornemouth are you going


julie w

iam 50 iam going on the bornemouth 1 oct


is anyone going to bournmouth on the 1 oct, iam i the only one going


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Yes I have booked my first weekend at Bournemouth on the 1st. Pleased someone else is going! Very nervous (i'm 55) but decided to give it a go.


o thats good ,we will be ok , iam 50 , if we dont like what we see we can walk on the beach .looking forward to going now , see you at bornmouth .
Hi My name is Karen. To all off you, do not be nervous , I went on my first JY holiday 2yrs ago to Lake Annecy by coach, wot an experience. I was the youngest there at 44yrs and there was 17 other travellers at varying ages and we got on very well and had a great time. I am also quite a shy, nervous person. I enjoyed it so much I have booked to go to Tunisia in September. Enjoy the weekend and have fun. Afterwards you will be wondering what you were so worried about. Hope this helps. I live in Poole so not worth me coming to this ortherwise I would say meet up.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
That's what I was thinking, the beach is so close and also that it overlooks the beach so if I wasn't keen I could just sit and read, but it sounds good (thank you Caitlin for your words of encouragement)and its good to chat to someone else who's going.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Sorry should have read your e-mail properly Karen!!!! Thanks again.


hello catlin

thankyou for letting us first timers no about your experiance with jy. i cant wait now going on the 1 oct


hello catlin

thankyou for letting us first timers no about your experiance with jy. i cant wait now going on the 1 oct


  • (Member)
Hi I'm coming to Bournemouth on the 1st too. It's my first time and am nervous as well. I'm 53 so think we might be starting a 50's club. Looking forward to meting you all.

Liz F