flapjack lady
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi first time with Just You ...anyone out there going this weekend to Bournemouth Marriot ..... feeling bit apprehensive about it all !

Hi Flapjack Lady

I will not be on this trip, but I did do a discovery weekend after being on 4 holidays. You will have a great weekend trust me, You will have the company of an experienced tour manager who will look after you throughout your trip, But having a guess you may have a few managers about helping and assisting. Dicovery weekends are fantastic trips,

Enjoy your trip

Regards Andy

Peter Jersey
'flapjack wrote:

Hi first time with Just You ...anyone out there going this weekend to Bournemouth Marriot ..... feeling bit apprehensive about it all !

Hello Flapjack Lady

Welcome to the world of Just You. Do not feel apprehensive, there really is no need. You have done the hard bit by booking it. I did a Discovery Weekend to Leeds in August and it was great. Mostly these groups are first timers but they occasionally have passengers who only book these weekends. You will be met at the hotel by your Tour Manager and by Dinner Time you will be chatting to other members of the group like you were long lost school chums. Ladies usually well outnumber the men so go and ENJOY. You will soon have new friends.
