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(Member) (Topic Starter)
I hope you had a great time, if there are any tips re safari, jabs, what and how to pack , what extra things you managed to do etc, can you please post on here, as I am doing this trip of a lifetime in Sept/Oct 2010


  • (Member)
Hi Cindy,

Just got back from the 28th Oct trip and have had a fabulous time. Barbara, our rep, was excellent. The Lodge and Hotel were both lovely and the weather was about 30c during the day and still warm in the evening even though we were informed it may get cool. I had the yellow fever jab just to be on the safe side although one or two didn't. My malaria tablets were malarone - bit more expensive but you don't have to take as many and the side effects are supposed to be less common.The mozzies were out as well. Pack your safari clothes in a separate soft bodied bag which will go inside your suitcase. When you get to Mombassa you will need to take the safari bag out as your case will go straight to the beach hotel. You could take two bags but it depends if you have a connecting flight from anywhere which only allows one. Hairdryers are available at both lodge and hotel and towels for the pool are also provided.

On the safari you just need to take some sensible shoes or trainers as you don't get out of the bus. I would suggest comfortable trousers either linen or cotton, loose t-shirts or vests with a loose shirt over the top as the sun is very strong and you need to be covered up. When you get to the lodge guys will be selling safari hats for 5-800 schillings (about £5 or £8)or take your own. Neutral colours are said to be best but our group wore all sorts of colours. Dress in the evening for the Lodge was casual and at the beach hotel you could dress up. You get a bottle of water per person per day on the safari and I took some mint imperials to refresh my mouth and wet wipes to freshen up - its surprising how dusty you get!

The age ranges of our group were between early 30's up to I would say 70s and everyone got on well and there were slightly more women than men. Hope this info is helpful and if you need to know anything else you could ask the Editor to pass on your email address. I'm sure you'll have a great time. Regards Jan

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Jan 54

Thanks so much for that information, I am doing the 5 day add on in the 2nd hotel, I am traveling with a JY lady I have been on holiday with before,did anyone manage to do a Hot Air Balloon ride and if so where and how did they arrange this, did you do the extra trips if so were they worth the money, what else can you go and do ??. Re Safari part of holiday how does it work when you are out on safari as in rest (toilet) stops,as that might be an answer I need, I dont fancy squatting in the out back.. Ha Ha.

Hi, I am going on this Safari in mid January. Thanks for the insight into what to take etc.... very useful
  • (Member)
Jambo (welcome), Oh I wish I was going back!!! I wanted to do the balloon ride but there wasn't any time to fit it in between the safari drives and I didn't even see anything advertised at the lodge and to be honest the free time that we had we just wanted to chill out, swim and recharge batteries for next drive - they were early morning (7ish or late afternoon). They may do them from Mombassa and as you're doing the add on you will have plenty of time but there again I didn't see anything advertised. I didn't do the add-on - lack of hols :0(. Will just have to do another exotic holiday and try to fit it in then!!!

Regarding the loo situation. Well ladies, unfortunately if you need to go you have to bite the bullet. The choices are - you don't have anything to drink before you go out, you practice pelvic floor exercises if you need to go while you're out or you have a catheta fitted before departure to Kenya - not a good look tho lol!! One lady in our car needed to go but the driver asked if she could wait five minutes as we were in the lion area. She did then had to crouch in front of the car when we got to a safer place - akuna matata (no problem). On the full day trip to Lugard Falls you stop for a picnic lunch and the ladies loo's are a clump of bushes to the left and the men's a clump of bushes to the right!!!! But honestly, you'll be fine. The game drives are about a maximum of 2 - 21/2 hours.

I only did 2 trips in Mombassa. A half day city tour which was ok. We went to a craft village where the locals made things to sell. Then you were taken through a market and a jewellery/souvenier shop before going to Fort Jesus. Don't forget your camera tho like I did. The other trip I did was an evening boat ride to Mombassa followed by a light and sound show in Fort Jesus with a five course meal. We thought it was going to be a lazer show but it wasn't but it was very interesting as it told the history of the fort over the last 400 years and the outdoor meal was lovely.

I'm going to try and get round to putting some photos on the website if I can work out how to do it so I will put a post on to let you know. You'll have a fabulous time and I'm quite envious again. Regards Jan

  • (Member)
Hi i did this holiday in sept 2008, we had barbara as our tour manager,she was great.About the balloon trip,as our holiday was 16 days we had 8 days safari in 4 parks, the only one with the balloon trip was the masa mara,which most of us did,even leaving the lodge at 4.15am! but it was fantastic.There were 6 of us our mini bus so we all had a window seat.The roof comes up so you can stand up to take photos,remember to take binoculars,they came in very useful,be prepared for some very rough tracks.One lady on one game drive needed the loo and edward our driver found somewhere to stop,so dont worry about it.In mombasa we stayed at the travellers club which was all inclusive.Dont expect to be able to sit on the beach its full of hawkers but when the tides out you can walk towards the sea and they dont follow you.The mombasa trip was good and i also did the dolhpin dhow,saw dolphins in the distance and we were able to snorkel on the reef.Take lightweight clothes and a waterproof or umbrella,because when it rains its torrential,but it does not happen very often.Im sure everyone going will have a great time,we all did.
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you so much for your answers, this helps me so much. I went to Africa just the odd 40 years ago on safari as a CHILD!!!,but now wish to see it through adult eyes. I am looking into getting Binoculars that have a built in digital camera, if not shall just take binoculars I have. Nearer the time I shall look into the excursions and see what they have to offer, but I would love to try and fit a Balloon trip in if I can. I did one in Australia and loved it. As for the comfort stops, I think it will be me squatting by the land rover !! I just know it..but at least I am for warned..

Thank you Cindy

Hi Jan thanks for info it sounds like a really good trip. Really looking forward to it now going in mid Jan. Could you tell me please what the best currency is to take



  • (Member)
Hi all,

Just returned from the Kenya trip. Best money to take Kenya Shellings, USD and UK Sterling. The exchange rate in the hotels are not good but there is a bank about a 5 minute walk from the hotel in Mombasa.

The excursions from the hotel there are just 2 I would recomend. One is the light and sound show and Haller Park. The others I did were not impresive.

If you want to go deep sea fishing you can book at the hotel. It cost me 400USD to hire the boat ang they will take a maximum of 4 people.

I hope you find this of use. I know you will have a great time, wish I could go again.


  • (Member)
Hi Everyone. I agree with Steve who was on the same trip as me. I took Kenyan Schillings and US Dollars in case I did the balloon ride and excursions but as I didn't do many excursions and the balloon ride was not available I ended up bringing money back with me and lost out exchanging it back to GB pounds. So I recommend Kenyan Schillings and GB Sterling. You will have a great time, we did and the group got on really well together. Wish I was going again. Any other queries just ask and I'll try and help
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks so much for your answers, so do I take it there are not hot air rides on offer anywhere?.. I am doing the 5 day add on is there anything you can recommend for that time or is it just chill out and relax, is there anything on offer at the hotel, as in massage spa etc..??. How did your flights work out, as there are two flights there and back.


  • (Member)
Hi Cindy,

There was no balloon ride at the lodge or the hotel in Mombassa. Apparently you can do it over the Masi Mara but not Tzavo so will have to do it on another holiday. I didn't do the add on but some of our group did and some just chilled at the hotel for the five days and others did some excursions. I'm told Haller Park was worth doing. I did the Light and Sound show at Fort Jesus with the meal which was interesting and the meal was good. See Steve's message below as well. I think there is also a trip to a village where you can take pencils for the children. The hotel has a beauty salon where you can have massage or other treatment and I would say the prices are reasonable. The flights are ok - not too stressing. Regards Jan

  • (Member)
Hi Cindy,

I have put what I think of the holiday on the testimonials page you might find it useful. If you do the add on you can arrange other trips via the hotel or if you wish to explore yourself you must book your taxi via the hotel, you have to agree a price before you go.