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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Just wondered if anybody was thinking about doing this holiday on 23rd Sept '10 ???
Hi Sara. I have booked for 23/9/10 trip. This is my first holiday with Just You (apart from a Discovery Weekend) so am a little apprehensive!! Are you a regular traveller?
  • (Member)
Hi Denise

sorry, I had posted a message about this holiday without seeing yours ! This is my first solo holiday so am feeling anxious too but really excited ! I replied to Sarah too on my post encouraging her to go for it !! I'm sure we will all be in the same position so we'll have a great time. I might be the only one travelling from Glasgow but I'm sure we'll meet up at Gatwick and we'll have a ball ! Just hope this blasted volcano keeps quiet !!!

  • (Member)
Hi Sarah

I am thinking of going to Italy in September, it will be my first ever trip and I am rather nervous about actually going for it! Glad to know others are nervous too. Anyone going from Plymouth?! I'd be happier travelling to London with someone else.

Where are you from Sarah?

Hi Moore?

Sorry not sure if that's your first name. There are 2 of us sending messages back & to under the heading Classic Cities of Italy Sept 2010. Have you read those? Perhaps you would like to join in there & let us know if you have booked.