  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I have never been on a holiday on my own before and am quite nervous about it.

Can anyone tell me what the coach holidays to Austria are like and how easy is it to get to know people?



  • (Member)

I went on my first Just You holiday last year and and was very nervous to start with, but soon found out there was no need. Everyone was friendly and you are well looked after. It does not take long to get to know people. I have not done a coach trip with Just You, but have read comments from people who have been and they all seem to have enjoyed themselves. Life is too short - go for it! You will love Austria - it is a beautiful country.

Kind regards

  • (Member)
Hi Margaret don`t know about coach holidays but Austria is wonderful, I went to the Lakes in May my 1st JY holiday also my 1st on my own but beleive me you`re not on your own, it`s not JUST YOU it`s JUST US. I`m looking forward to my 3rd JY in October.

All The Best, Pat.

  • (Member)
Hi Margaret, the thing to remember is that if people book this type of holiday, its because they want to meet other people and make friends.

I am going to Tuscany in 7 weeks time, it will be my 3rd JY holiday, I did the Austrian Lakes last May which was lovely, and I am also booked on a JY long haul holiday next year.

Go for it and enjoy, its a very social type of holiday, and you will be well looked after by your tour manager and in my experience you need never be alone unless you choose to be.


  • (Member)
Hi Margeret I also should have said that at meal times, there is a block booking of tables in the dining room for your group, so again you will never be left to look for a table in the dining room, or be left to eat alone.


Hi Margaret, I have just returned from my first holiday alone, the trip was fantastic, and I met lots of great people, enjoy.