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(Member) (Topic Starter)
this will be my first hioliday on my own since my wife passed away and have never flown before need some ideas please
  • (Member)
Hi There

If it's your first time it might be worth considering just having a holiday in europe, it's a bit closer to home and it will give you a taster of what can be achieved at a later date.That's what i did and gradually started going futher field.If it's long haul your looking for then the south african explorer is fantastic, parks and canyons is another great trip. It really depends on you and what you want from a holiday,is it sights or history,or culture,or just something totally different to what you may have done before.Whatever you choose you will have a great time with just you

Happy travelling


Hi Fudge,

Depends on what appeals to you - there are all sorts of holidays on offer! Maybe you would like a short break in Europe to start with? I have got the Istambul 5-day break pencilled in for next year. Also there are some coach-based holidays if you don't fancy flying. Or of course you could just jump in and go for Japan or Australia!

I think you need to look through the brochure (online or paper copy) and see what appeals, bearing in mind your budget and the holiday dates you have available. Good luck and have fun browsing!

Hi Fudge,

I agree with Rosie and Sharon. There some great holidays to choose from. I can recommend Moscow and St. Peterburg if want something unusual. Or China - on my list for next year. By all means take your time choosing - but make sure you choose something - you will not regret it.

I have been through what you are going through so I know how daunting it can be but once the decision is made - you will never look back. You will meet some great people and have a really good time, I promise.

I am off to the Dolomites for Xmas with 2 friends I met on my very first trip (now our 4th Xmas trip). 2 more holidays booked for next year already.

Good luck.

Be happy,


  • (Member)

A warm welcome to you, I go along with what the others are saying re distance etc, I can recommend the Austrian Lake tour, the views were just outstanding and a good tour over all. I have also done Poland and the Tatra Mountains which was very good, not sure they still have that tour on offer, was a few years ago. I have done 3 USA tours great place to visit, these are very hectic tours, I have just been on the Magic of Kenya, which was amazing to see the wildlife. I have Tuscanny booked for next year. I am sure that there is a holiday for you within the JY range, just pick one that appeals to you. They are such good fun.

Good Luck


  • (Member)
Hi Fudge, I am in the same position as you,lost my husband last year.I have booked on the America Golden West Tour on 7th of March.Its the first time I have been away with JY and the first time by myself,I will let you know what it is like when I get back. Mary1
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
hi mary, nixon. lesley, rosie mo, sharon thank you all for feedback on first holiday alone i was thinking of Cuba but may try Italy The Riviera Splendour looks good anyone been thanks once again
Hi, like you I recently lost my partner, took the plunge and went to China, a great choice, off to Costa Rica next summer and Italy in the spring.

Good luck making your choice

Hi Fudge.

For you first flight, I can agree with Nixon That The Austrian Lakes is a great trip, And it isnt very long in flight, And is with a very good and reputable air carrier. I can also recomend, Walking in the Ahr Valley via coach, Which is a 5 day trip via coach, and a good taster into Just You Holidays.

All the best Andy

Hi Fudge,

Thanks for a response to our ideas. If you fancy Cuba, go to Cuba - simple. I went to Cuba in March of last year with a friend. It is a great place, good weather, nice people etc. and really interesting. Go on, be brave - and book it - and enjoy!!

Be happy,

Best wishes,


PS I have been to Poland too - another one I can thoroughly recommend.

  • (Member)

I have just done my very first solo holiday since my husband died - to Australia! I am so very glad that I did - it has given me so much more confidence than I ever thought possible. A real boost!! It was the last big hurdle to jump and carry on with life such as it is.

Already picked out several options for next year - difficult part is deciding on the best.

Just go with the flow, bite the bullet and book a holiday - you will be so very glad that you did - I know I am!! Good Luck!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you liza. lesley. Andy for your kind feedback at the moment the Riviera Splendour looks a nice holiday to try for my first one on my own any of you been there? but Cuba still on my list to try thanks once again. Terry
Hi Fudge

The Rivera Splendor sounds a good trip, And would be interested to hear what its like

All the best Andy