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Would love to hear from anyone else booked on the New Year trip to Iceland.
Hi Jan,

I have literally just booked and paid for the 2008/09 New Year trip to Iceland. I haven't been on a JustYou holiday before however I have travelled on my own before. Really looking forward to it. BFN Linda

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Linda

I was beginning to think I was the only one going to Iceland. Couldn't believe how the economy there has been effected just recently, do you think it will make a difference to us?Thinking of buying a warmer jacket - what are you going to wear?

Bye for now


Hello there!

I've just booked and paid for the Iceland new year. Looks like fun. This is my first justyou holiday.

No trouble finding snow for building some nice snowmen then? Promise no snowball fights 😉

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sarah

New Year celebrations won't be complete without throwing a few snowballs! This is my first Just You holiday as well, although I did go to the Discovery weekend in Peterborough in August. It was very reassuring as everyone was as 'normal' as me. 🙂

Have you changed any currency yet? I have been told things are relatively cheap in Iceland now, compared with previous prices, but I don't really understand exchange rates.

Bye for now


Hi Jan!

Oh alright, if you insist on a snowball fight.... Wonder if they sell snowballs in the bars in Iceland. ;-)

I haven't changed any currency yet - they're not doing Kroner at my local post office and my bank doesn't change £ at the branch.

Guess the currency is still wobbling all over the place - I'm sure they'll start selling it again soon. But how about the bargain shopping...?

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(Member) (Topic Starter)

I bought a nice warm jacket yesterday so now I'm ready to go. It's been cold here the last week so beginning to wonder how much colder it'll be when we're there, bbrrrrrrr.... I live in Scarborough where do you live?



found my way back LOL Glad to see we are all relatively new to this Just You lark.

I too have tried to change currency at both the bank and the PO and have been told by both that it won't be possible to get icelandic Kroner in advance _ Icelandic Bank don't want to let currency out of country..... Planning to take Stirling and credit card.

AS for clothing..... I've got some thermal undies, some salopettes for adventurous outtings on free days (a friend who has been before has recommended snow mobiles and 4x4 snow/glacial safari) Otherwise I am planning on a decent sheepskin with optional layers underneath......

Only 3 weeks to go...... I do sooo hope the atmospheric conditions will be right to see Northern lights. As for snow balls...... I hope we're talking cold wet spherical things and not 70's style revolting drinks LOL


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(Member) (Topic Starter)

Are either of you staying at Heathrow the night before we fly? I am travelling down by train and staying at an airport hotel on the Sunday night.

See you soon


Hi Jan,

Scarborough. oopsie. I'm a soft southerner from Kent. Oh dear, more Brennavin for me I think!!!! ;-)

Linda, I'm doing the same as you Sterling and credit card. We shall see. I haven't been on one of these justyou trips, well, looks like we'll have a lot of fun eh? ;-)

I'm up for snowmobiles. but what have you got against the loveerly advocaat-inspired 70s drinks? This is the land of the elves after all..... ;-)



I also shan't be staying over night at Heathrow. Planning to get Heathrow mid-late morning to loose the car (in pre-booked car park) and hopefully catch up with you both around check in desk. I understand that's where we first meet a Just-You rep.

Nothing against Advocat except as a 70's teenager that was what my Granny drank at family do's so has become a bit of a cliche LOL. Must confess my tipple of preference would have to be a G&T or wine or...... :o)

Oh....and don't forget to pack swinsuits, was reading yesterday that you can swim in thermal springs at any time of the year :o)

2 weeks and counting...