  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I know it seems a long time to go but, I am thinking of my next holiday and fancy Canadian Rockies next April 28th 2010. Anyone been on it or thinking of going. I just need a gentle push I think.
Hi, I've booked this holiday and so has a lady I met on a Just You holiday a couple of years ago. It has been her life-long ambition to go to Canada and this fits the bill, especially the trip on the Rocky Mountaineer. We have both upgraded to Gold Leaf. She didn't need to persuade me. So go on, take the plunge!
  • (Member)
Anyone else doing this trip on 3 September 2009?


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Done it. Booked for 28th April 2010. Not going upstairs on the train though. Shall get more excited and nervous the closer it gets.


Glad you decided to book. I'm sure we'll have a whale of a time. We get to see loads of places and the pictures in the brochure look stunning. Look forward to meeting you.