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new recruit to just you

any one else booked for sept?

Hi ,

I havent booked anything yet , I am just having a think but I do fancy the China experience as I havent been there before. Are you doing the Yantze add on as well ?

Hello again, Just to let you know I booked on to the September trip. Please get in touch if you like.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

well i am glad u booked yes i am doing the river crusie is this your 1st time with just you? it is mine, i have been reading the tips of the poeple who went last time seem they had a great time and the crusie was a nice way to unwind after a busy tour ambersu

  • (Member)
I am lookingtogo in October for my birthday.

does not look like anyone else is 😞.

Might have to re think.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
hi san2

hope u decide to come in sept instead of oct it will b an early birthday present, and may be you can have a smaller present in oct, let me know what you decide cu ambersu

Hi ambersue,

Great that you are doing the cruise as well. This is my first time with this company but I have gone on holiday alone before.

I am hoping that this will be better given that it will all be people travelling alone. China has been a place I have wanted to visit for a long time now and this seems to cover a lot of the famous sights. The Cruise will be great as well, you cant not go down the Yantze if in China afterall.

I look forward to meeting with you.

  • (Member)
Hi Ambersu

Olly informs me that the trip the 13th October has a couple of places left. Did not mention how many people on the 20th Oct. trip.

You did not say which of the departures you are going on in September . I have just checked and there are 3.

I jsut thought it would be nice to be somewhere special on my birthday instead of at work.

Let me know which trip you are going on and I might re consider.

The weather in October also played a part in my decision, as the weather will be warm , without being too hot, to walk about in.

I was hoping a trip to China would produce a big mix of the sexes.

I went on safari last year in June and there were 22 people on the trip. 20 ladies and two men. Not what I expected.

Nothing against the ladies but, its nice to have a different kind of conversation. Football definately not included 🙂

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

this is the 1st time i have gone on hol with other single travllers but have travelled on my own b4. it will b nice to have company some of the time, so im looking 4ward 2 it

have u seen the new broucher 4 china it say that u have 2 share a cabin but i rang them up and it is a printing error. out of space c u later ambersu

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
hi san2

8/9/10 donot if it well booked or not but may be if you decide on oct you would have more reponse nearer the time, as there r quiet a few trips there in a year. which ever one you go 4 let me know and we keep in touch. ambersu

  • (Member)
Hi all - seems to be a lot of new justyou travellers on the September Wonders of China tour and I am another first timer. Have travelled with other tour groups to USA & Canada and generally been the only single guy on the tour so this year I want to ensure I'm not - well at least not the only single person! Don't want to wish the next 7+ months to go too quick but am really looking forward to enjoying what China has to offer and to meeting you all. This is also the first time I've emailed other travellers to find out who else is going and to break the ice before we meet up. Regards


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dave 17

welcome aboard, so at least theres 3 poeple going in sept. I 2 donot want 2 wish away time but wish it was next week it is bound 2 b warm than it is here at the moment. Its nice 2 imagine what the trip will b like, i keep reading the tips page hopfully 2 get some good tips 2 take with me keep in touch


  • (Member)
Hi Ambersu

None of you three have said which date you are going in Sept. There are three trips Sept. 15th ,2nd and 29th.

Which one are you on ???

  • (Member)
dates 15th 22nd and 29th
  • (Member)
Hi Ambersu

This message board is great - have been reading lots of the other traveller's comments, especially on the previous China tours. Didn't realise the maximum limit of cash we can take is 6,000 Yuan (£400) - still shouldn't need much for tips, drinks and souveniers. Will control the excitement until nearer the time - lots of living to do before then! Hopefully we will have a great mix of other travellers and enjoy what looks to be a fantastic trip.

sue pope
Hi, I have been on this trip and it was truly amazing, excellent hotels, amazing sights will blow your mind as you get a true feel of China's history and culture. Warm welcome from the people so friendly, food is fabulous not like the take always you get in this country.

I have booked to go to Thailand this coming September so looking forward to that.

I have also been to Eygpt with JY and we had an amazing guide called T I have not been dissapointed yet with JY holidays they certainly look after you and its great fun getting to know fellow passengers.



  • (Member)
Hi Sue,

I have also booked for September including the cruise add on. Could I ask you for some advice please?

Did you go in September and if so what was the weather like?

Will I need to take a plug in mosquito killer for my room/cabin? (I hate biting insects!)

I know vaccinations are not compulsory at present but what did you do about taking malaria tablets? I read in a guide book that they are recommended.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

hi i have booked 8/9/10 plus the added on cruise


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
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dave 17

yes the yen is not alot but you can take us dollars, i have been told that a lot of the larger city will take either but the smaller towns and tips need yen.

yes the web site is good for all kinds of imfo

keep in touch it nice to see who going and as u say at least touch base with poeple u r travelling with c u


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
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sue pope

thanks 4 the tip will make sure 2 pack some.

what time of year did you go? what was the weather like? did u do the cruise?

