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(Member) (Topic Starter)
hey is anyone going on this tour,would like to hear from you.
Just booked this trip - departing from Heathrow.
Hiya Im going to Kenya on this date im so excited but so nervous as its my first time going away by myself, I'm getting the national express up to heathrow....
Hi Debbie - I'll be getting the RailAir from Reading to Heathrow. What part of the country are you travelling from? Hazel
Hi Hazel im coming from Devon so a long trip for me leaving at 7:45 getting to heathrow about 2ish so will be a long day witing around, have you been on a jy hol before?
Hi Debbie

Yes, I went to Spain with them about 3 years ago. I've been wanting to do a safari for years, and finally decided to stop faffing about and just book it. I was really looking for a 100% on safari trip but they don't exist as a package hol, and I'm not brave enough to go it alone. I'm still wondering whether to break into savings and upgrade the flights - I'm rather tall and have a bad back so I'm not looking forward to a long flight in a seat designed for one of Snow Whites's friends!

This will be my 5th solo holday - it can be a bit daunting but on the whole I think I prefer them to going with a friend/partner - you can pretty much do what you want without worrying about anyone else.

Perhaps we can meet up at Heathrow?


Hi Hazel

Do you know how long the flight is then because I'm not a drawf either, lol. Would like to meet you at Heathrow, I'm excited but nervous... My parents are buying a camera for my birthday in June so I can take lots of pictures in September!!

So do you live in Reading then?

Speak soon


Hi Debbie

I think the flight is about 8.5 hours.

Yes I live in Reading. Are you on facebook? If you are, look me up (Hazel Card) and then I can give you my personal email/phone.


Hi Hazel I am on facebook thou can't find you... you try find me Debbie Booth, black and white photo full face and wacky hair... hmm... didn't realise it would take that long!!! still excited thou...