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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Everyone

I'm currently trying to decide on where to go on my first JY holiday. Looking at Tuscany on 07/10/10. If I book this holiday I'll probably fly from Manchester. Interested to know if anyone else will be going on the same trip.

Jemma x

hi l am going on this trip and it will be my second with jy l so enjoyed the first one and have booked this, and lm looking forward to it, but l will be flying from gatwick pbeaney
  • (Member)
Hello pbeaney I am going on this holiday and I`m going from Gatwick so look forward to meeting you at the airport.


  • (Member)
Hello, scarily, I have just booked to go the Tuscany too. Also going from Gatwick, so hoping to meet up with you all.
  • (Member)
Hi there So glad to know you`re of to Tuscany also, will look forward to meeting you. Just one thing though, why did you say you`d booked scarily ? Is it your 1st ? Pat.
  • (Member)
Yes Pat,it is my first holiday with JY but I am greatly encouraged by other peoples points of view post holidays with the company. I am actually really looking forward to Tuscany now.
  • (Member)
Thanks for your reply SO, I went on my 1st JY in May and my only complaint was having to come back home!!!Will look forward to meeting you at Gatwick. Pat.
hi pato did you go to austria in may l did and that was my first holiday, that would be a coinsidence if that was you
  • (Member)
Hi there pbeaney yes I went to Weyregg Austria on May 2nd teamed up with Colleen the shoe queen, don`t recognise your name but would be nice to meet up with any of the happy group again, look forward to your reply.Pat.
hi pato

yes l remember colleen a lovely lady and l look forward to meeting you at gatwick

  • (Member)
Hi again pbeaney, so Colleen was lovely, what was I then? ( a pain in the ? ) ha ha. Is your name Pauline ? If not what is it please ? Only 12 weeks then we`ll meet again. All the Best. Pat.
Pat0 you were lovely as well, my name is pauline and if l remember you both liked all the variety of cakes,l used to sit with a lady called eileen , l think that was her name, l look forward to meeting up with you.
  • (Member)
Hi there Pauline, I got your name right at least ! I know I`m a pain really but thanks for the compliment. Again I must confess it was Colleen with the cakes at least 2 a day ! I only had the occasional one ! Where do you live? I live in Kent. I`m of next Monday on the Douro Cruise with Just You of course so busy getting ready for that.Pat.
hi pat l live in snodland about 45 mins from gatwick, hope you have a good holiday the river cruise was one l kept looking at, so l might try that one next year,l am off to menorca friday for 2 weeks with my family so will speak to you when l get back, have a nice time and take care.
  • (Member)
Hi Pauline hope you have a good time in Menorca. Don`t live far from you, in Gravesend. Talk again in couple of weeks. Pat.
  • (Member)

I have booked on the Tuscany for the 7/10/10 from Gatwick looking forward to meeting everyone else on this trip it is my first time going on holiday on my own


  • (Member)
I haven't looked at the website for ages.. apprehensions are slowly dissipating as this will be my first holiday on my own. I especially like the fact that my fellow travellers like shoes and cakes. Only a few weeks to go now. See you all at Gatwick
  • (Member)
Hi there Prue nice to know you`re joining us, will look forward to meeting you. Pat.
hi pat did you have a good holiday on the river cruise, l had a lovely time in menorca, not long to go now for the tuscany trip, it will be nice to meet up with you and others at gatwick, sounds like we may have another cake an shoe lady coming, should be good
  • (Member)
Welcome home Pauline hope you had a good time, now we start the countdown for Tuscany only 8 weeks and afew days to go. Pat.