  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi..Is anyone going on Petra to the Pyramids in September. It will be my first time on a single holiday and I would like to hear from you...Thanks Margaret
  • (Member)
Hi Margaret

I am also going on this tour in September-it will be my 3rd with Just You.They are always great fun with a wide variety of ages.I've had a brilliant time on each and made some good friends.I am sure we will have fun and look forward to meeting you.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Alli. Well now I know someone else is going. Where are you flying from I will be going from Heathrow. This is my first time going on a single holiday and am a bit nervy. I have been many places on my own but never with a single group. I really am looking forward to this trip as I have been to Egypt but not the pyramids or Cairo and have been wanting to go to Jordon for a long time now so really looking forward to it. Thanks for replying


  • (Member)
Hi Margaret

Yep,I am also flying from Heathrow-getting there by coach probably(I live near Southampton).I am looking forward to the pyramids and especially excited about Petra-looks amazing!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Alli

I have done the Nile cruise folowed by a week in Hurgada but didnt get to see Cairo so am looking forward to seeing this part of Egypt as the cruise was one of the best holidays I've been on. I have wanted to see Petra for years now but never got round to it so now I am a "single traveller" dont want to miss out See you at Heathrow


Hi Margaret, I am also flying out from Heathrow in September. I am coming from just off the M25 in Kent. It's my first singles holiday too. Although I am excited and really looking forward to seeing Petra and the Pyramids I am a little nervous.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sheila, I am looking forward to it but also nervy. So far as I know there are now 3 ladies going from Heathrow so we will see each other hopefully at the airport and that should sort our nerves out. Ive been wanting to see Petra for years now so really need to do this for myself. If I dont I will just keep "not going" because I am on my own and thats silly. Look forward to meeting you ....Margaret
Hi Margaret, Thanks for your message,I have wanted to see Petra for a long time & although I have been to Egypt twice before but I still haven't seen Cairo yet. Looking forward to meeting you both too.


  • (Member)
Hi Margaret, Sheila and Alli, I have just booked this wonderful sounding holiday to Jordan and Egypt as my first Just You holiday. Petra and the Sphinx are on my list of 50 things still left to do. Memphis, Tennessee has already been done. This Memphis, I am sure, is a lot different!See you in September.Jan.
Hi Margaret,Sheila & Alli,

I'm Anne and I'm also flying from Heathrow - I'll be travelling up from Dover. I've never been to Jordan or Egypt before but I have previously been on a singles holiday with a different company - I spent a fantastic week on a tour of Morocco a couple of years ago.(I'm more anxious about driving to the airport- last time I got lost trying to find the car park!!) Really looking forward to seeing Petra.