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(Member) (Topic Starter)
This is my first solo holiday.

Any tips from anyone who has previously gone on this trip would be very welcome.

Also would love to hear from anyone who is going in March as well.


Hi Lin, I am also going on the China trip in March. I have travelled alone once prior to this trip when I went to Turkey. Where are you travelling from? I will be getting the National Express from S. Wales to Heathrow.
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello, good to hear from someone else going.

I am in the lucky position of living only about an hour from Heathrow so am getting one of my sons to drop me off.

I am nervous as this is the first time i have been on holiday on my own without meeting friends and family at the other end.

Am sure it will be wonderful, have always wanted to go to China and decided to take the plunge now or i never will!

Look forward to seeing you at Heathrow.


  • (Member)
Hi Linda

Believe me you have no worries, ive just come back and before going felt the same as you.

China is wonderfull and so are the people.

And it is so easy to make long lasting friendships remember everyone is in the same boat. I know like me you will come back knowing that this was a holiday of a lifetime, and wont be able to wait to book your next holiday with just you. There great

So enjoy. Jen

Hi Linda,

Yes, will look forward to meeting you at Heathrow.

I am told there will be 35 in our group, so, lots of new friends to be made i think!

My fiend went to China with this company 2 years ago and she says it was fantastic. Very tiring as there was so much to see but well worth it.

I am getting quite excited already. I have even been planning what clothes to take, in my sleep!

Hope to pick up a few more tips from the site before we go but will be having a Q & A night with my friend soon. Just let me know if there is anything you need to know and I can ask her for you.

Best wishes


jan b
  • (Member)
hi tyreesa i am to travelling from south wales on coach cardiff dont know time of coach yet
  • (Member)
The wonder of china. It lived up to its name, I went on this trip in nov 2007 with a friend. Very busy with lots to see and do. Every day up early for breakfast then on the road. Fantastic country and people and the food was to die for. 3 meals every day at various restaurants. Time too for shopping and great value for money. Change your cash at the hotel as rates better. All the hotels have cash machines as well as the reception for changing money to the yaun. Our hotels were very luxurious with superb service. You will visit a silk making factory and be able to buy clothes and scarves there as well as duvets and bedding. Excellent quality silk and good prices. I intend going back again. This was the best holiday Ive ever been on and the price is incredibly reasonable for the trips out every day plus all those great meals.5 stars for this one. Mabes.
Hi Jan,

I havent arranged the coach yet either. I think we should get the info/voucher number soon, so then we can book.

Have you travelled alone before?

It seems less intimidating when you know there are lots more people going to be in the same boat as us. I'm sure we'll have a great time!

I'll let you know when i get my coach time sorted in case we are on the same bus. (I'll be getting on in Bridgend)

Looking forward to meeting up with you Jan

Best wishes


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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Therese,

Great to hear from others on this trip. Think i am getting sorted now although still unsure as to what (or how much) to take in currency. As everything is all in and only need 'spends'think maybe wont need travellers cheques, just some currency.

Perhaps your friend may have some tips?

Look forward to hearing from you.

Hi Lin,

According to my friend there are quite a lot of tips to hand out as there is a different guide on each trip. They pooled their tips each time which made it easier all round, no doubt our rep will put us straight on that one!

We also visit lots of places where there are tempting gifts to buy. She had to buy a bag to bring all her extras back and so suggests not taking too many clothes as there is so much to buy there (and at a great price).

She showed me the most amazing photo, standing with the great wall in the background, I can't wait!

I suppose the amount of money you take will depend on whether you plan on buying lots of pressies etc, I'll probably get something for my mum and step dad (the rest for me) but won't be going mad.

We will also need money for the souvenir photographs etc, they come with a background history/facts of the place (the wall for example) and either a group or individual photo of the place of interest, not sure how much they are, not cheap I'll bet.

It really is difficult to know how much to take though. I will definitely take my plastic friend, just in case!

Apparently beer is served at night but you have to buy spirits etc. They took a naughty little bottle in their handbag, oops!

Like you, I'm not sure whether to take American traveller cheques, Maybe we can get some info and advice from the tour manager.

Looking at my friend's photographs the age range of the group was quite varied which was nice.

It really is going to be a holiday of a lifetime I think.

Looking forward to meeting everyone.

Best wishes


jan b
  • (Member)
i been last year to austria i didnt stop laughing my ex did canada an he said best holiday hes had we will have a ball an the guides r fully trained sio dont worry i havnt packed or gotmy money yet every thing will be so relaxed temp should be like we got now xx TC see u soon janet
jan b
  • (Member)
hi teressa i booked the 12.45 coach from cardiff xx see u then i will have my welsh daffodil on my coat
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks to you all for the tips, am begining to look forward to this holiday!

Thanks Mabes for your insight, sounds wonderful. One question.. did you have to 'dress up' for anything in the eveings? Not sure what to pack for this.

I have travelled alone before but only to see friends so this is my first trip totally on my own.

Glad to hear the age group is varied, as a child of the 50's was worried i may be out of place !

On the money front will probably get some currency for cash and maybe travellers cheques for just in case. Always have some plastic just in case! Am determined to enjoy this and bring back pressies for everyone, particularly my granchildren!

Looking forward to meeting everyone.

Hello again Linda,

I am also a child of the 50's so we'll be ok with the age range!

I have been looking into the hotels and areas we will be staying in - Trip Advisor is very useful with photographs and information. One of the photographs was of the control panel we can expect to use in the hotel room which seems to control everything from the lighting to the TV. There's even a review of all 3 hotels from someone who travelled with Just You.

I noted that one of the UK visitors had a problem with cashing traveller's cheques, apparently the signature has to be exact, as it is when you initially sign for them.

I also noted in the JY information sheet that certain company's TC's are not accepted, take a look at the info for details if you are planning on using them.

I plan on taking my travel kettle as the hotels only provide a Thermus flask and Green Tea in each room (I like my cup of Tetley so will take T bags too).

Only 5 weeks to go now, I am so looking forward to it!

Best wishes


  • (Member)
lyns. Hi Lyn, regards dressing up in the evenings, most of us were usually in smart casual wear, nothing too fancy. Ive noticed on a few of the trips that its always the same casual feel to it. Dont think anyone takes much notice. If its march,best to take warm clothes for daywear. I went in early november and weather was sunny every day but cold. Wish to go back again sometime.Best holiday ever and the whole group were lovely, there was around 40 of us.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Mabes, any tips always welcome.

Therese & Jan, just over 3 weeks to go, looking foward to seeing you.

Hi Jan,

I will be getting on the bus at Bridgend at 12.00 so will look out for you in Cardiff. It will be nice to have company on the journey to Heathrow. Will also be nice to have company when we try and find our way to the correct terminal and the rest of the group etc.

Looking forward to meeting you and Lyn, also looking forward to making lots of new friends.

Not long now!!

Best wishes


  • (Member)
hi therese c u at cardiff bus station i not even packed or currency yet but do i care! i know its going to b GREAT . janet
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Cant believe it is less than a week away. Looking forward to meeting everyone and having a brilliant time!

See you all at Heathrow.


Not long now, can count the days on one hand!!

I expect, like me, you have just had the info on the flight changes.

I have just changed my times for the National Express, Jan, I will now be catchng the 09.00 am bus from Bridgend and the 16.05 back from Heathrow. I expect you will be doing the same thing.

I have had a few hiccups with not having return flight info from Beijing to Heathrow, (just call me Shirley Valentine)! then I had to send a photo special delivery as they hhad overlooked my visa, now the flight changes affecting the Flightlink bus times. Hopefully all will run smoothly from now on!

I'm getting quite excited now. I'm not quite packed but not far off. I have my currency and am Looking forward to meeting everyone and seeing all the "Wonders of China".

See you all very soon

Best wishes
