violet devall
(Member) (Topic Starter)
is there any one going on the Trip to Moscow and St Petersburgh on 21'August from Birmingham Airport. Violet
Hi Violet,

No, unfortunately I am not on this trip in August but I did go last year in September. You will have a great time - an experience. I met some smashing people, as usual. Just a tip though - if you are travelling from Birmingham via Frankfurt - check the gate number for the onward flight to Moscow on the departures board at Frankfurt as this may differ from the gate number on your ticket. They do not make annoucements at Frankfurt as they do in other airports. Two of our party did not check and went to the wrong gate, only to miss the flight to Moscow. Luckily there was another later flight, which they caught. Have a wonderful holiday. Be happy

Best wishes,


Glenn M
Hello Violet.

I am flying from Heathrow rather than Birmingham. See you in Moscow.


violet devall
(Member) (Topic Starter)

do they have tea & coffee in the rooms or do i take my own,silly question i know.thought i would ask.thanks


Hi Violet,

Russia is very different to most countries you will have visited. I cannot remember having tea or coffee in the rooms and also they often do not take milk in their tea or coffee as we do. Much of the food is different to what you are used to but that is all part of the holiday. The experience on the train was great fun too. 30 of us wanting drinks and only 10 cups available. So we had drinks in rotation - different I grant you but all part of the experience! The tour manager, Paul was excellent as were the two local guides in Moscow and St. Peterburg who gave us an insight into how Russia has changed in recent years. I know you will love it - just go with an open mind. You will not be disappointed, believe me. Enjoy! Best wishes.
