  • (Newbie) (Topic Starter)
(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
Hello again! Not sure if my previous post worked! 

I'm thinking of booking Feb 2025, is anyone else  going? Bit nervous of going so far on my own!!


  • (Newbie)
Hi, I have just joined the forum and I have booked to go to Australia departing on 10 Feb.

I am so excited as I have wanted to go for about 30 years! Life got in the way!

Hope to chat to any other people going!


I am going on this trip.  I've wanted to go to Australia ever since I watched Crocodile Dundee in the 1980s and then Adventure of Pricilla, Queen of the Desert in the 1990s!  Life  got in the way - as well as waiting for other friends and family to get their lives sorted  so they could travel with me. I've now given up on those plans.  I've done 1 (or was it 2?) Just You trips and really enjoyed them, so decided to do this one.