Joanne C
  • (Newbie) (Topic Starter)
(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
Just wondered if anyone is booked to go to New York this September?

This is my first time with Just You.

Hi, I'm on that tour, travelling from Manchester. I was due to do this trip in September 2022 but had health issues which continued into 2023 so had to postpone. Now recovered so really looking forward to it!
Joanne C
  • (Newbie) (Topic Starter)
(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
Good to hear you are well enough now to go. I bet you're looking forward to it. I'm flying from Manchester too.
Hopefully bump into you at Terminal 2,  I'll look out for the justyou luggage labels! I'm planning to travel over the day before and have a relaxing night at one of the airport hotels. Travelling by train from Sheffield so didn't want to contend with potential strikes or delays. 
Joanne C
  • (Newbie) (Topic Starter)
(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
 I'm travelling from Derbyshire nice and early that morning! Will look out for you too. We're nearly into September already! See you soon.
Jo W
  • (Newbie)
Hi Jo

I'm going.  First time going anywhere! 😊

Jo W
  • (Newbie)
Hi Jo

I'm going.  First time going anywhere! 😊

Joanne C
  • (Newbie) (Topic Starter)
(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
That's great, it's getting much closer now! Are you flying from Manchester?