  • (Newbie) (Topic Starter)
(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
I have received a brochure but it looks like all the flights go from London so I'm assuming that is where the main airport representative is but i don't live anywhere near London so do the holidays go from other airports and if so is there an airport rep at other

airports (hope this makes sense!) 

Just You
  • (Administration)
Hi Shelagh,  you can filter by airport to see the tours that depart from a local airport to you.

We have airport representatives available at the principal London airport. It's natural to feel nervous for your first trip but good to chat with other travellers here on the forum who I'm sure will put your mind at ease!

Best wishes,

Just You Team


Hi Shelagh

I understand your nervousness, I remember  feeling the same before my first trip but please don't worry. All airports are well signposted and there are always plenty of staff around to ask. I've travelled from airports other than London and have always found people very helpful. If in doubt - just ask for help.

Sometimes I've not been able to find the rep at Heathrow because it's so big and busy, or because I've arrived before they have, but it's been fine, I've always managed to get on the flight.

Remember to put a JY label on your suitcase and hand luggage so that other JY travellers can see it and speak to you, also please go and speak to anyone you see with a JY label, we're all in the same boat and I've never yet met anyone who hasn't been friendly. 

When you get inside the terminal take a deep breath and look at the signs, you'll find it easier than you thought.

Have a lovey trip
