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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Looking at booking Australia for November this year in November. Is anyone else going then? 
  • (Newbie)
I'm going! So excited!
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Oh that's great.. I booked up yesterday. Look forward to meeting you in the departure lounge of check in! 😎 
  • (Newbie)
Glad there's at least one other person going - haha! Have you travelled with Justyou before? This will be my first trip. Also my first long-haul flight, so I'm a bit nervous about that. Sure it'll be fine though!
Bob Baillie
Hi Dawn, Lisa - and hopefully others as the year progresses.

I signed up for the Australian Highlights (and New Zealand add on) trip yesterday (departing 4th November).  I'll be the aged Scotsman on the tour but not, you'll be glad to know, in a kilt!!

I travelled on the Just You USA Music Cities trip in October 2022.  It was not only my first time travelling on a mature singles holiday (I was widowed in 2018) but also the first time I had been on an organised group tour.  While I was not worried about the holiday I was intrigued to know how I would responde to the group experience.

I have to say that the tour was a tremendous success and that the Just You organisation and support was excellent.  In particular the Tour Guide was first class - well informed, supportive and very professional in all aspects of her duties.  I have recommended this trip - and Just You - to many people since and the company has won a few customers on the back of these recommendations.

As many people comment, a significant element in these tours is the character of those people travelling.  I'm sure that the group members going to Australia will be like those on my Music Cities tour - keen to interact with others and enthusiatic about the sights and sounds as we travel around on our hoiliday.

Look forward to meeting you in a few months time at Heathrow 

  • (Newbie)
Hi Bob, it's reassuring to hear you had a good experience previously with Just You. Very jealous that you've booked the New Zealand add on - not really a practical option for me as i have to work (boo!) but I hope to do NZ another time. 

I'm sure we'll have a great group of people - can't wait to meet you all!

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello all 

thank you for replying to my post i am looking forward to meeting you all. Lisa this is only my second trip. I was so nervous on my first trip I did the best of the west coast USA 18 day trip in September 2023.. i met so many amazing people but was quite familiar with most places we visited which was a little reassuring. So this one will still feel like my first trip.. everything will be new. I get lost easily and get very anxious so the airport experience and until I meet others can be quite daunting but I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and sharing the experience. Happy to meet you at check in lisa just look for my pink tag. If not the departure lounge is included and a lot of people meet up in there before the flight. Bob enjoy the New Zealand add on. I also work so couldn't get that much time off together however I feel very fortunate as I've booked it with the Cook Islands add on for next November (2025). 

I've also booked the NZ add-on. See you in November.
I am going too. Look forward to meeting you.
  • (Newbie)
Hi everyone, the time is fast approaching and I'm getting very excited about Australia now! Just wondering whether anyone else has looked into vaccinations for the trip? Online info is confusing and my GP practice are not as helpful as they ought to be. Should we be getting any vaccinations?
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Lisa look forward to meeting you. From what I can see you only need the yellow fever injection and that is only if you are from certain countries and UK is not on the list of these countries. You will need a visa though.. if you go onto the Australia embassy official website it will give you options. Or you can goggle Sherpa as they have lots of info and are recommended by Just you. If you want to meet by the checkin area or entrance I would be more than happy to do so. My case has a Robin on with my name so easy to spot.  know I will be anxious myself until I see people at the departure lounge. This is definitely normal for travelling solo first or in my case second time.