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I am going to Japan in April, 2024. I would like to know approx how much cash do I need to take with me. I understand cash is widely used there.
Just You
Dear Dyuti,

Thanks so much for reaching out to us. When it comes to the amount of money to take with you it is a very much a personal thing as everyone is different with the amount they may or may not want to buy as souvenirs for example so it’s a bit difficult to advise precisely what you will need. Looking at your itinerary you will probably want some spends for shopping on day 5 in Kyoto and on Day 9 when you visit Kurashiki. Your Holiday Director will be able to advise on the best place for ATMs should you need to draw out some currency while you’re abroad.

In Japan, tipping is not customary – but hopefully some fellow solo travellers might be able to guide on what they have spent in the past on this tour, especially on days where meals are not included. I hope this helps, and we wish you a wonderful time in Japan!

Best wishes,

Just You Team


Hi Dyuti,

I did this trip earlier this year and posted a review (a few posts below this thread) and there is a bit about my spending in that.

Very few hotels had bars so there was little by way of after dinner indulgence and a lot of meals are included. When we were on the move lunch was usually a sandwich, or similar, picked up on the way so your main spending is probably souvenirs etc. I did little of that having visited Japan previously. Cards are widely accepted - especially in gift shops!


Japan is still a predominantly cash-based society despite being technologically advanced country, I would suggest you to carry decent amount of cash based on your requirement. Make sure to withdraw cash before visiting rural areas. They mostly accept cash only. 
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