what you mean 'Hopefully' lol
we'll try and get back from the Three Leeches for a night cap at the PI oh er' i mean the Three Magpies lol
we arrive at PI quite early half threeish so have plenty of time and with the time of Bob's arrival i'm sure joining us would be out of the question as he's right by the time he gets there we'll prob be making our way back, we'll def join you for breakfast
the 3 Magpies menu looks good something for everyone, yes 6.30 there abouts sounds fab
were you talking about Singapore first night with Jim, gonna be amasing, maybe we could chip together to buy him dinner for his troubles as our Singapore Host come T/M lol
not bothering with leech socks but i do have some long socks to cover up with, just bought a super jungle mosquito plug in from Amason to hopefully keep the little mites at bay, good idea about long sleeves for the evening jungle trek
can't wait now
an excited abbadave