Angie in Lancs

I too have the same problem. I have been looking into the various options of traveling down to Gatwick. All of which are not easy and would involve having to stay overnight in an hotel. So more flights from MANCHESTER would help, and please not on only one date.

Mick W
  • (Member)

Two options I would like to see :-

1.More "Add ons" to make the holidays longer especially on some of the touring holidays I've done. I know you do one with New York as a option and there are add ons on the Australia & New Zealand trips available.

2. Would like to see 2 week options on some of the European holidays. I know at least one of your rival companies offer this option at a reasonable cost difference (obviously flights, transfers, etc are only needed once). I did this to Crete last year and found it great as i could alternate days between doing excurrsions and chilling out days. A weeks holiday I tend to do all the excurrsions so get very little free time to explore myself.


  • (Member)
'Mick wrote:


Two options I would like to see :-

1.More "Add ons" to make the holidays longer especially on some of the touring holidays I've done. I know you do one with New York as a option and there are add ons on the Australia & New Zealand trips available.

2. Would like to see 2 week options on some of the European holidays. I know at least one of your rival companies offer this option at a reasonable cost difference (obviously flights, transfers, etc are only needed once). I did this to Crete last year and found it great as i could alternate days between doing excurrsions and chilling out days. A weeks holiday I tend to do all the excurrsions so get very little free time to explore myself.


Hi Mick,

I agree about add-ons. I am going with a rival company to the Austrian Tyrol this year for two reasons. One is that JY don't go there at a convenient time, and secondly I have the option to leave the group at the end of the week, make my own way to Vienna, stay for a week and the company have arranged my flights back. I got an allowance on the return flight from the Tyrol and had to pay the difference from Vienna. The only condition was that it had to be BA flights, which presented no problem for me at all.

Regarding two weeks in Europe, again I would like this but would prefer a leisurely two-centre holiday, rather than rushing round one area. Prague, Vienna, Budapest sounds good, but too much travelling and rushing round in the time.

This thread had rather been hijacked hasn't it?



Mick W
  • (Member)

You are right we have certainly hijacked this thread but think of it as moving the discussion on, lol.

Like the two centre holiday idea, i've been independantly to Budapest and really enjoyed it, Prague and Vienna are on my bucket list. I often use BA because have plenty of Avios points, doing a short break in Barcelona at end of feb with them.

Enjoy Austrian Tyrol heard very good reports.


  • (Member)
Hi Syliva

You will love Austrian Tyrol. I have been there plenty of times, always during summer months and love the region. It is so pretty and there are plenty of walks.


Hi It seems we all have the same problem. I live in Wales and wanted to do the Costa de la Luz trip but the flight back was too late, then I thought of the Bodrum trip but opposite problem, too early to make it worth booking a hotel the night before

. Unfortuneatly my local airport is Bristol and very few trips go from there, and those that do start at silly o/clock. If I need to go from Gatwick is at least a 4hour train journey. All these problems severely limit our choice of holidays especially if funds are limited.

Puer aeternus
'sunrise70' wrote:

Hi It seems we all have the same problem. I live in Wales and wanted to do the Costa de la Luz trip but the flight back was too late, then I thought of the Bodrum trip but opposite problem, too early to make it worth booking a hotel the night before

. Unfortuneatly my local airport is Bristol and very few trips go from there, and those that do start at silly o/clock. If I need to go from Gatwick is at least a 4hour train journey. All these problems severely limit our choice of holidays especially if funds are limited.

Hi, My local aiport is Bristol too, and I find it an annoying place with limited choice and awful departure/arrical times. Also, it can be a nightmare getting across the City to it, taking almost as long as getting a coach to Heathrow! Bristol is well known for having the worst congestion outside of London, I find it easier and calmer to travel to Heathrow or Gatwick to start a holiday.

I've just completed the e mail survey regarding possible new holidays. For me the airport and flight time as well as destination is crucial as to whether I book. Living in Norfolk, Gatwick is a very unpleasant 6 hours each way on a coach, and for me to go on a Gatwick holiday it has to be a longish trip with a late morning onwards flight time to somewhere that I very much want to go (such as my absolutely excellent JY Florida holiday last November).

I would like to go to Germany this year and considered Berlin, or the rail Ahr Valley walking trip. The latter means an overnight London hotel which pushes the price up for a short break, and Berlin with a Heathrow 06.55 flight is a non starter as it means very little sleep and spending the first day in a daze. As it's a short break with only 2 days in Berlin, that's half the holiday. Ryan Air has afternoon flights to Berlin from Stansted which would make the holiday far more attractive.

Gatwick is of course the preferred airport for many, but not for others. I may be incorrect, but my impression looking at the brochure is that there is an increasing tendency for holidays to be Gatwick with very early starts.

  • (Member)
Hi I have just picked up on this thread and agree that the London flights do put me off some holidays or I have to accept additional cost. I went Andalucia for Christmas which was a Gatwick flight departing at 7am only it didn't and arriving back at 2 pm which it didn't. Delays both ways with good old BA. I drove to Gatwick from Shrewsbury and the journey back was unpleasant and I won't be doing it again. To add insult, a couple on the trip had flown from Birmingham although the brochure said this wasn't available and a member of our group had been told twice on the phone that it was Gatwick only. She lived half an hour from Birmingham so was well impressed to have travelled to Gatwick with cost of hotel added on. I am going to New England in October with Saga departing from Heathrow but the price of the holiday includes being picked up at home and driven to the airport and return to home.
Early flights out of Heathrow and Gatwick are a problem for me too. I live in Essex, and never like to chance there being delays on the M25. It's not so bad paying for an overnight hotel for long haul. I stayed at the Sofitel at terminal 5 before I flew to the states last autumn. At around £130 a night, it's not a realistic proposition for 7 day holidays or less. When I first travelled wth JY, a number of holidays were available from Stansted, even though a fairly hefty supplement was charged, overall it cost considerably less than flying from Gatwick. I was more than happy to fly with Easyjet. After my recent experience flying BA, I would never use them again. The levels of cabin service and comfort were far inferior to any other airline, including low cost that I have ever flown with. JY planners please think again.
I've just come across this thread and have to agree with most of the comments I've read so far. Most holiday companies offer flights from other airports, and I don't understand why JY can't do this, and without charging extra for the privilege. I think these trips are getting very expensive now, especially when there seems to be less and less included in the cost of the holiday - I've noticed the number of optional excursions and cost of them are increasing year on year, this is before you even start on the price of the holiday. I really begrudge having to go via Heathrow when I can get a direct flight from my local airport to Europe (I don't mind for long-haul). I, like a few who have already posted, am seriously looking at all options when it comes to which company I use to go on holiday with, and will probably start using other companies in future if I feel they can offer me a better holiday package than JY.
'magpie10' wrote:

I've just come across this thread and have to agree with most of the comments I've read so far. Most holiday companies offer flights from other airports, and I don't understand why JY can't do this, and without charging extra for the privilege. I think these trips are getting very expensive now, especially when there seems to be less and less included in the cost of the holiday - I've noticed the number of optional excursions and cost of them are increasing year on year, this is before you even start on the price of the holiday. I really begrudge having to go via Heathrow when I can get a direct flight from my local airport to Europe (I don't mind for long-haul). I, like a few who have already posted, am seriously looking at all options when it comes to which company I use to go on holiday with, and will probably start using other companies in future if I feel they can offer me a better holiday package than JY.

Hi Magpie,

I completely agree with you regarding the cost of optional excursions putting up the cost of the holiday, to keep the headline price down. In one case the headline price was £899. A room upgrade , (and if they are offered they are usually necessary) and optional excursions added another £300. The excuse was it is an "Escape" break. However, with the hotel a good half an hour from the town you either have to pay to get into town or stay put in the hotel.

I recently went with a rival company to Lake Garda at Christmas and apart from souvenirs, my expenses were two snack lunches, total €17, (so much food was provided lunch time was the time to cut back) and my bar bill, €35 for 6 nights, because wine was provided every evening with dinner. OK, at first glance the headline price appeared to be high. When you went into detail and saw what was provided you soon realised that you were not going to need very much when you got there. Room upgrades were not offered, nor necessary.

Sometimes you get what you pay for.


I agree with Magpie. I live twenty minutes from Stansted airport. When I started usingJY, there were a number of European holidays leaving from there. Now it's all Gatwick or Heathrow mostly very early departures and late arrvals. With the M25 notorious for hold ups in the mornings, to sure to make early flights, I need an overnight stay, adding to the cost of what have become expensive 7 night or less holidays. I am happy to do this for long haul, but unless some Stansted flights are reinstated, JY european holidays will sadly be a no go on my limited budget.
  • (Member)
Hi All,

Living in Scotland I always have to fly down to either Heathrow or Gatwick as there are very limited JY holidays that fly from Glasgow - it's a fact of life, and I'm used to it now. Some people have mentioned how expensive hotels are at Heathrow and Gatwick. I always use the Premier Inn (there are 2 in Bath Road, the Terminal 5 one is minutes from the terminal by Hoppa bus). If you book well in advance you can get a room for as little as £29! Obviously rates depend on time of year/day of week etc. but I think the most I have paid is £79. Premier Inn also do exceptionally good breakfasts! Hope this helps. I look at a night at Heathrow or Gatwick as part of the holiday.



  • (Member)
Yes, just want to add my voice to those northerners struggling with the lack of northern departures. I'm doing 2 hols with JY this year, one from Gatwick which adds at least £200 with an overnight stay. Second actually goes from my local airport but with a £79 supplement, this seems odd when my flight is with Easyjet and the London departure is British airways. Can't believe BA are cheaper than Easyjet.

As somebody pointed out, competitors do plenty of Manchester departures. I prefer JY but there comes a point when the extra travel costs can't be justified.

If I'm travelling from Heathrow and need to stay overnight I tend to book the Travelodge at terminal 5, it's recently been refurbished and is easy to get to by the Hoppa bus. I normally pay around £24 a night which is very reasonable. Not sure about breakfast as I don't get it, I normally get something from Marks and Spencer's before leaving terminal 5, or get something when I get through security the next morning. I can recommend the Premier Inn too.
  • (Member)
I had to pay a supplement for fly with Easy Jet from Luton when I went to Israel (Holy Land Tour) and you don't even get any refreshments. People who flew with Israel Airline got a delicious meal and flew in comfort, but flying with Easy Jet was much easier for me as I live in Luton so I did not really mind paying a supplement. I think it all depends on the Airlines, what time of the year you are flying etc. Sometimes Easy Jet can work out more expensive than say BA. I think Easy Jet is no longer as cheap as it used to be now that you have to pay for everything, including hold luggage. Gone are the days of very cheap flights.
