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(Member) (Topic Starter)

South African Explorer 22nd November

I am on this trip. I would welcome tips on how much to allow for meals for the holiday.

Also is it better to just withdraw money from ATMs when needed to save carrying too much around? Do the hotels have ATms?

. I would welcome replies from anyone who has done this trip.Thanks in advance.


  • (Member)
Last time I went to South Africe, five years ago, there was a limit ti the amount of Rand you could take in to the country. Maybe someone else can give you more upto date info on this item. I had no problem finding ATM's but I did have a card cloned in Cape Town. My card company were quite vigilant and stopped the card. The only time my card was out of my sight was at a restaurant.


Julie White
Hello Cathy,

I went to South Africa in September and it was the best trip I have ever done with Just You.

With regards to money I was spending about 80 to 100 Rand per day, on food and drink. Hope this helps

Have a great holiday


  • (Member)
Hi Cathy, I took 5000 Rand with me, as this is the official maximum amount your are supposed to take into the country. I also took $1,000 for the Zambia add-on, as well as some sterling. I took out another 5,000 Rand from an ATM in Knysna. There are ATMs everywhere, but always go in a group for security reasons. I don't remember the hotels having them. Hope this helps, have a brilliant holiday!


Frances H
Hi Cathy

I have just returned from this trip and brought back a small quantity of rands from the 5000 I took with me. I didn't do the Cape Town trips or the elephants, but I did pay for the Township tour and the extra safaris. I put some drinks at hotels on my credit card. Lunches and drinks in general are very reasonable. Wine is very reasonable and the glasses are big.

Your guide will point you in the direction of an ATM if you need one. These are mainly available in the first half of the tour.

Have a great time. We did!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you to everyone for the helpful replies and information. I am very much looking forward to this trip.

Regards to all.
