  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Does anyone know the price of using Wi-Fi in the hotels in Australia? Or does anyone know of any convenient free Wi-Fi hotspots near the hotels or the near stops on the tour?


'davidj' wrote:

Does anyone know the price of using Wi-Fi in the hotels in Australia? Or does anyone know of any convenient free Wi-Fi hotspots near the hotels or the near stops on the tour?


Hello David,

I have had a look on trip advisor and most hotels charge for wi-fi. Some of the comments say that it is around $5 for 30 minutes with some hotels charging up to $35 a day. Aparently there are free Wi-Fi hotspots around but it did not give locations. Some hotels do not have Wi-Fi in rooms and only around lobby areas.

I will try to find an internet cafe when I want to go online.

Sorry i could not be of more help at this time.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Eric

Thank you for the information. I have got an amysim Australian sim card and intend to buy a package that will give me 4GB of data via that. But I would also like to back up my photos to the internet and 4GB will probably not be enough. So I wold like to use Wi-Fi occasionally.


'davidj' wrote:

Hello Eric

Thank you for the information. I have got an amysim Australian sim card and intend to buy a package that will give me 4GB of data via that. But I would also like to back up my photos to the internet and 4GB will probably not be enough. So I wold like to use Wi-Fi occasionally.


Good afternoon David,

For photos I have purchased a 8GB Silicon Power CF card for my Canon 400d digital camera. This card will hold 1775 photographs. I will still take my original 1GB CF card with me also which holds 545 photos.

Good idea to upload them also. Will think about that too!!

I have purchased a Global Sim card for my phone which can be used in all the countries visiting.

Which tour are you on David? Are you having Singapore stopover or adding NZ to Australia or doing all 3?


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Eric

I go on the 6th November. I am only doing the Australia tour. I went to Singapore, New Zealand and Hong Kong before my wife died and it is very rare for me to go to a place twice.

In the past I have not backed up my photos. But on one of my holidays last year someone had their camera stolen in the street and she lost her photos. I will be taking a small tablet pc with me (Nexus 7) and I have recently bought an “Eye-Fi” SD card. This has Wi-Fi built in to the memory card. This card will automatically copy all my photos to my tablet pc (or my smartphone). The software supplied with the card will then automatically copy them to my chosen place on the internet (I use Picasa). I hope it is as good in practice as it sounds in theory.

You may be able to take your memory card into photo shops and have them copied to disk.

When I return from my holidays I also like to share or swap photos with other people on the trip. I do this by uploading them to Picasa and sending a link by email or occasionally I send people disks. I think it is interesting to see how different people tend to concentrate on different aspects of the holiday.


Hello again David,

Unfortunately I am on the tour before yours, in October.

Good idea also to put the photo's on a disk at photo shop. Something I had not thought about.

I also use Picasa to send phots by email. It is easy with Picasa as I found to my horror that it took forever to download pictures originally before then.

When you come back from Oz perhaps we could ask Ben to forward our email addresses to each other so we can send photos to each other of our holiday.

Have a good one when you go.

Best regards


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Eric

I think it is a good idea to exchange email addresses and photos when we return. My holiday still seems a long way off (8 weeks today). But I am sure the time will soon pass.


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