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'RogerT' wrote:


When I saw in earlier threads that you were signed up for the inaugural Galapagos Tour I was hoping on your return you would post your usual good, thorough and enlightening Review. Glad to say you haven’t disappointed !

Galapagos has always been of interest to me because of its history and above all wildlife.

Having researched various itineraries there are a couple of reservations for me though, both of which you have picked up on.

Firstly, Quito and the altitude. A year ago I spent 3 days in the Costa Rica Cloud Forest at altitude and found it took time to acclimatise, especially at night. On the Ecuador part of this Tour much of it seems to be at a higher altitude than CR. Not quite a Mrs. May type of ‘red line’, but certainly a question mark. And then there’s always the humming birds (love ‘em) ...

Secondly, as good as the land based wildlife on Galapagos is, there is probably as much, if not more, to see under water. Having a ‘head under water’ phobia, I’m afraid snorkelling is a definite no, no for me.

From your recent experience Jaya, how do you think a non swimming, low altitude creature like me would get on ? ?


Hi Roger,  you will get on fine.  I can swim but had never snorkelled before and had a go.  I got better on from the beach than having to jump into the water from a boat.  As long as you eat lightly and drink plenty of water you should be fine on a higher altitude.  Don't let the fear of not swimming or altitude put you off as this is a truly amazing tour.

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'Jellifer' wrote:

Sounds like a great trip. Might be a stupid question but what happens to your main luggage when you are using the provided holdall bag?



Your main luggage is stored safely at the hotel in Quito.  We took holdalls for our one night stay in Mindo as well and the main luggage remained at the hotel.  Much easier not to take your suitcase.


Thank you Jaya for a wonderful review, it has been lovely to relive the best travel experience I have had so far. Sun, sea and exotic wildlife, and even a few beers too. 

For those asking about altitude sickness, this was definitely the down side for me. I suffered, maybe a life in the Fens at sea level had not equipped me for this. But, once I alerted our TM Patrick, I followed his advice and got through it. Water and Imodium were useless, I had to not sleep, control my breathing, which slows down if you sleep, drink coca tea and sweet drinks, like Coca-Cola. All this just after a long sleepless flight from Heathrow. I felt weak for a few days, appetite non-existent but all gradually improved. The up side was the return to UK, being able to swing my 20kg suitcase around, hear my husband complain because I was walking too quickly, all was a surprise, but the superwoman feel only lasted a couple of days.  

I was also one of the only just able to swim people, snorkelling was beyond me. I am sure seeing all that wildlife underwater would have been lovely, but I enjoyed the boat trips and exploring the islands. 

This was my second JY holiday (Vietnam Xmas 2014 my first), I would recommend it to anyone, it was fun, educational and an amazing experience.


Thanks for your detailed review, I'm looking forward to this even more now!

Can I ask if using the holdalls was compulsory for the islands, or could you take your suitcase if you wanted?  Can you only take one bag with you to the islands, i.e. not your suitcase AND hand luggage?

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sheila Too

Patrick did say that our feeling of superwoman will only last for a couple of days!

My only small regret is not attempting to snorkel at Kicker Rock. I managed fine at the beach but did not want to jump from the boat. Sheila said she was lowered down and did not have to jump, but she was on the other boat. Had I known this beforehand then I would have given it a go. Anyway the boat trips in themselves were lovely and relaxing. What an amazing trip.



  • (Member)
Hi Jaya


A great review Jaya. After reading that and all the other comments I am thinking again about booking it in 2020.

It is a very expensive tour and would be very disappointing if you are ill and I also wonder whether it would live up to expectations-after doing the Chile, Atacama, Patagonia with Easter Island. That holiday was the tops.

I would enjoy the snorkelling in the Galapagos but I think that I  might have a panic attack if I came face to face with a shark, even if it is only a nurse shark.

kind Regards


'Traveller44' wrote:


Thanks for your detailed review, I'm looking forward to this even more now!

Can I ask if using the holdalls was compulsory for the islands, or could you take your suitcase if you wanted?  Can you only take one bag with you to the islands, i.e. not your suitcase AND hand luggage?

The holdalls aren't compulsory, but I would recommend using them. They are quite big (roughly 2ft long and a foot wide and deep) I reckoned I could have got most of the contents of my suitcase in it.

The other advantage of using it is that you can leave the warm coat and sweater you needed in the UK behind in your suitcase because you definitely won't need them in the Galapagos.

I took the holdall and my daysac which had my camera, waterproof, water and sun cream in it. The other advantage of the holdall is for the people who have to carry them around - its far easier to carry two or three oof them rather than an assortment of different sized and shapes of suitcase.

I certainly got everything I wanted to take to the islands in the holdall with plenty of space to spare.


'PeterG' wrote:

'Traveller44' wrote:


Thanks for your detailed review, I'm looking forward to this even more now!

Can I ask if using the holdalls was compulsory for the islands, or could you take your suitcase if you wanted?  Can you only take one bag with you to the islands, i.e. not your suitcase AND hand luggage?

The holdalls aren't compulsory, but I would recommend using them. They are quite big (roughly 2ft long and a foot wide and deep) I reckoned I could have got most of the contents of my suitcase in it.

The other advantage of using it is that you can leave the warm coat and sweater you needed in the UK behind in your suitcase because you definitely won't need them in the Galapagos.

I took the holdall and my daysac which had my camera, waterproof, water and sun cream in it. The other advantage of the holdall is for the people who have to carry them around - its far easier to carry two or three oof them rather than an assortment of different sized and shapes of suitcase.

I certainly got everything I wanted to take to the islands in the holdall with plenty of space to spare.


Thanks Peter, that all sounds good.  I'll plan my packing accordingly.  Were there safes in the Galapagos hotel rooms for money and valuables as I assume the holdalls aren't lockable?

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Traveller44' wrote:

'PeterG' wrote:

'Traveller44' wrote:


Thanks for your detailed review, I'm looking forward to this even more now!

Can I ask if using the holdalls was compulsory for the islands, or could you take your suitcase if you wanted?  Can you only take one bag with you to the islands, i.e. not your suitcase AND hand luggage?

The holdalls aren't compulsory, but I would recommend using them. They are quite big (roughly 2ft long and a foot wide and deep) I reckoned I could have got most of the contents of my suitcase in it.

The other advantage of using it is that you can leave the warm coat and sweater you needed in the UK behind in your suitcase because you definitely won't need them in the Galapagos.

I took the holdall and my daysac which had my camera, waterproof, water and sun cream in it. The other advantage of the holdall is for the people who have to carry them around - its far easier to carry two or three oof them rather than an assortment of different sized and shapes of suitcase.

I certainly got everything I wanted to take to the islands in the holdall with plenty of space to spare.


Thanks Peter, that all sounds good.  I'll plan my packing accordingly.  Were there safes in the Galapagos hotel rooms for money and valuables as I assume the holdalls aren't lockable?

Hi Peter

As far as I remember there were safes in all hotels but it is very safe.  One day I could not figure out how to use the safe and I left everything in the hotel (passport, money etc) and nothing was missing when I got  back from the excursion.


'Traveller44' wrote:

'PeterG' wrote:

'Traveller44' wrote:


Thanks for your detailed review, I'm looking forward to this even more now!

Can I ask if using the holdalls was compulsory for the islands, or could you take your suitcase if you wanted?  Can you only take one bag with you to the islands, i.e. not your suitcase AND hand luggage?

The holdalls aren't compulsory, but I would recommend using them. They are quite big (roughly 2ft long and a foot wide and deep) I reckoned I could have got most of the contents of my suitcase in it.

The other advantage of using it is that you can leave the warm coat and sweater you needed in the UK behind in your suitcase because you definitely won't need them in the Galapagos.

I took the holdall and my daysac which had my camera, waterproof, water and sun cream in it. The other advantage of the holdall is for the people who have to carry them around - its far easier to carry two or three oof them rather than an assortment of different sized and shapes of suitcase.

I certainly got everything I wanted to take to the islands in the holdall with plenty of space to spare.


Thanks Peter, that all sounds good.  I'll plan my packing accordingly.  Were there safes in the Galapagos hotel rooms for money and valuables as I assume the holdalls aren't lockable?

As far as I can recall the only hotel without a room safe was the one at Mindo in the cloud forest where we spent one night.

Dina - Go for it. It's an expensive holiday but worth every penny. I'm convinced most of us suffered a tummy bug rather than altitude, but will never know. I was well and truly out of my comfort zone with the snorkelling, but am glad I conquered my fear. Also, I'm booked on the Chile etc holiday in November and might find that the holiday doesn't top Galapagos!

Traveller44 - My recollection of the rooms I occupied on Galapagos is that the only hotel with a safe was on Isabela Island. Our TM advice was not to bring valuables with you, but he left his money and passport in hotel rooms on numerous occasions.



  • (Member)
Hi Sylvia

Thank you for your encouragement about going to the Galapagos. Had been tempted when I saw your post about one space available on your tour, but decided I couldn't justify that amount of money at the moment.

The Chile trip that you are doing in November is awesome and I was living the dream whilst there in Feb 2018. I am sure that you will love it. I thought that I could never ever top it but you , Jaya and others who have written about the Galapagos make me now think otherwise.



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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Di

I was going through the brochure and notice that the price of the Galapagos trip has gone down a bit for 2020 - no idea why but it is good news for those who are thinking of going there next year!

Kind regards


I, in another group of 15 (this time 10 women, 5 men), attended a second run of this tour the week after Jaya's. The two tour groups were in fact due to meet up for a joint dinner as we crossed over for one night only in Quito - but the stars didn't align due to the severe delay the first group suffered getting back from the Galapagos Islands.


Just to add on a few extra tips over and above those already mentioned that may be useful:


* Nobody in our group picked up a bug thankfully, unlike the first group, but half the group felt the altitude in Ecuador to an annoying level, one severely. Most of the affected turned to the local herbal pills that the tour manager recommended which took the edge off. I was taking the prescription-only Acetazolamide tablets I bought from Dr. Fox online that did the same thing. They are available on private prescription only, so your GP will charge for it if you prefer to get them that way - like most travel vaccinations are now chargeable for protection again diseases not endemic in the UK.


* Duffle bags. It seems that our group did the exact opposite of the first group. Just two people took them to the islands; the rest stripped out what they didn't want to take to the islands - so warm clothes, used clothes, and single use plastic and left those in the duffle bags at the Quito hotel, to pick up on the return. JY's paperwork just created stress on this point by suggesting folks do it the other way around. Most people felt much more comfortable taking their own case on its travels rather than decanting into the bag provided. It is not an issue as the cases are fully portered on their travels - and the tour manager portered them himself in the one hotel that didn't offer that service (the dreaded Miconia - more on that later).


* Cases/bags - be prepared that these must be kept unlocked for inter-island travel by boat as they WILL be opened and inspected prior to every sea leg. Hand baggage is inspected at the port for each leg. For internal flights, they can stay locked and be opened on demand if required as they are x-rayed prior to check-in then have green tags applied to the locks to show they have been checked. They are looking for single use plastics mentioned in my next point on the way in, and rocks and other unofficial souvenirs on the way out and in-between the islands by sea.


* Single use plastic - JY's docs got this completely wrong. They said that single use water bottles cannot be taken onto the islands. They can. What can't be taken onto the islands are: single use plastic cola and beer bottles that do not have return-for-cash schemes running on them; single use plastic straws (you get metal reusable ones on the islands in drinks where they are issued); Styrofoam cups and food containers; and single use plastic bags. So if you wrap your shoes or used clothes in old supermarket bags from years ago, they won't allow those on the islands - you need to take obviously reusable bags like those pack-a-bag types that zip up into a small square. There is a nice chunky fine of something like $694 for every infringement noted on the customs declaration card you fill in on the way to the islands. This is made extremely clear before departing Quito and so nobody got 'done' for this infringement. I am glad to report that we did not see a single piece of discarded plastic anywhere, land, sea or beach - save for a baby's bottle that a baby threw into the sea off a boat pier when they'd had enough milk before their mother could save it. :-)


* Liquids - the trip to the islands is a domestic flight and so liquid regulations do not apply. You can take whatever liquids you want in hand baggage - subject to the plastic rules. You can also take liquids you bought post-security at either Heathrow out or Quito back through Bogota airport so long as you have the receipts showing that they were bought at the originating airport and not anywhere else. I had no trouble taking an open bottle of water and sealed bottle of Coke through Bogota where they checked the receipts. [I knew this from a previous trip through Bogota which is one of the most transfer-friendly airports in the world - unlike transiting through the US who make it as lengthy and painful as possible.]


* The Miconia Hotel. Good grief. Having done around 20 JY tours this hotel is without exception the worst I've ever stayed in, by the biggest possible margin. It's only one step up from a backpackers' lodge if the quality of my room was anything to go by. The bathroom was dirty with the previous contents of the toilet paper bin quite clear to see where the liner had not been changed; I felt the bathroom was electrically unsafe with exposed wires in the bathroom behind the world's oldest shower mixer, only topped on the horror's list by the cut into the shaver socket to run an improvised over-sink light with exposed wires to it as well. There were no usable plug sockets to recharge a phone/camera in the 'prison cell'. i.e. the bedroom which was just 3m x 5m connected to the smaller bathroom on one side and the outside door on the other side. I had to leave the blinds down at all times as anyone walking past could see straight into the room where I am only one metre away from the window. The air conditioner was old, situated near the top of the bed, and extremely noisy so could not be left on overnight as I can't sleep in a lot of noise. I traded noise for heat but still didn't get any sleep as a result. It never got the room below 80 degrees F and so the room was permanently hot and smelled damp. Even when my room's unit was off I heard the dripping from other units nearby whose condensation trap seals had failed. Perhaps JY thought they had booked the hotel's Seaside Inn rooms which would have matched the quality of the other hotels - assuming the pictures on their website are a true likeness, because they aren't for the rest of the rooms and facilities. This hotel needs to be replaced on all future itineraries.


While we were well warned of the step down in quality of the hotels on the islands compared to the mainland hotel (even then that was just a Holiday Inn Express instead of a full service Marriott over the road and Hilton around the corner) this hotel crossed a line and should not have been used. When I was 18 I would have put up with this level of accommodation - but not now I'm in my 40s and my comfort is raised - on a nearly £7,000 holiday before upgrades or optional excursions. Just three doors down the seafront was a 4 star hotel at four times the price that everybody would have preferred to stay at - and be willing to pay for on such an expensive holiday where the uplift would not be noticed in such a price - called the Golden Bay Galapagos Hotel & Spa. Most of us had a nice meal there on a non-include meal evening.


That one hotel aside the others were all acceptable to excellent - in particular the Albemarle on Isabella Island which was wonderfully appointed - and that is considered to be on the poorest island as well.


* TVs. Apart from the Holiday Inn Express in Quito which has CNN International, there were no English language channels at any of the other hotels. So no BBC World - despite the channel being listed in some hotels on the TV's channel guide. I guess they just didn't put it in their package. All other channels are in Spanish. Obviously the point of a holiday in not to watch TV, but it meant it was not possible to get any UK news while away unless you took a data-capable mobile phone or tablet - so trying to see whether Brexit happened or not by the time we got back on the 1st. ;-) Be prepared for the internet to be very slow from the islands. Basic e-mailing, web site reading and updating social media is fine - but you will not be able to stream audio reliably or video at all. Part of this is that the hotels run their whole Wi-Fi network off effectively a home broadband connection running a previous generation of technical connectivity than we are used to in the UK these days.


* A lot of people would have preferred it if the one day in Quito at the end was moved the beginning with the rest of the Quito days, as there is no logistical reason to put it there. Then, people could go straight home from the Galapagos, if necessary staying at a Quito Airport hotel for an overnight stay if flight itineraries dictate it - as it's a minimum one hour drive each way from/to the airport to/from the Quito hotel - and it just restarted the altitude sickness issues for the affected folks.


Doing this would also give JY the option to split the tour into a Galapagos tour with mainland add-on - so that those severely affected by altitude and so cannot pick this tour to get to the Galapagos, could avoid the high altitude bits and just do the sea level bits. Everybody went on the tour to see the Galapagos, not Ecuador's mainland - of which to be honest there wasn't all that much to see of great interest - so it would be minimum or no loss to miss that out. It also would encourage people to book the tour who still work and only have a week's worth of holiday days free, not two weeks' worth.


I think that's everything I can remember that others might find useful.

Maureen WH
Thank you Jaya and everybody else for the excellent information you have provided. I am going on this holiday in May and as this is my first Just You holiday I am both nervous and excited. I look forward to meeting. Peter and all my fellow travellers


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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Maureen

What a wonderful trip you have chosen as your first Just You holiday! You will have an amazing time. This tour is unlike any other. Have a wonderful time and do tell us what you thought of the tour once you are back.

Kind regards


What an amazing review. Please would you tell me if the walking is very arduous? I have one knee replacement which is fine but the other knee can play up at times.


Peter G
Thanks for your extra tips and the info in your report 'pahill' especially the clarification on plastic bags. It eems the Miconia hotel definitely needs to be changed to a decent one.I am not looking forward to staying there as I am on the trip departing May 6th.

Looking forward to meeting you Maureen WH at Heathrow.


Peter G
Thanks for the additional information and tips pahill especially the clarification on plastic bags and bottles. I am on the trip departing May 6th. I am not looking forward to staying in the Miconia hotel. Surely JY could have found us a decent one.

I am looking forward to meeting you Maureen WH at Heathrow.


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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Peter G

Miconia needs a total refurbishment but since you do not spend a lot of time in the room you should be fine. Just spend a lot of time in the evening watching the sea lions and other birds as the sea is just across the road. Have a wonderful time and I look forward to reading your review to see how your trip went. I know PAHill suggests leaving Quito out altogether, but I personally despite suffering from virus or altitude sickness would not have liked for it to be left out as we did get to see a bit of Ecuador. Besides Quito we saw Mindo and Otavalo and luckily also a bit of Guayaquil. I would have loved to see a bit more of Ecuador. But obviously the Islands are the Star of this tour.

