intrepid traveller
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I have always been against repeating holidays.  The second experience, I thought, could never be as good as the first.   Well, I was very wrong.  I reviewed this New Year break last year and everything I said then was true again but better.  

Rapallo suffered a devastating storm in October 2017 and evidence still remained so there was no Christmas Market along the promenade but the town still buzzed, other attractions still functioned and the locals were very welcoming.

The food in the Hotel was excellent, the trips were great, our Tour Manager fantastic and the sun shone beyond expectations.  We had packed too many jumpers.

We welcomed in 2019 at midnight Italian time,  nipped up to the roof to see beautiful fireworks over the Med and the town then nipped back down again in time for Auld Lang Syne at midnight English time.  Great. 

So my return visit to Rapallo was definitely not a mistake. 

Would I go again?  Watch this space. 

Pisa Airport have adopted a new system for Arrivals and Departures entailing the use of a couple of walk ways, 3 lifts and a train!  Quite an adventure but with our Tour Manager to guide us no-one was lost.

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