intrepid traveller
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Everybody,  today I used my complimentary ticket at the Destinations and Travel Show at Olympia.   Was welcomed at the JY stand with the usual JY enthusiasm and had a good chat with Julia and a Tour Manager that  I had met on a JY trip to Lake Como.  

I enjoyed the JY Stand and the whole exhibition was fascinating,  so good to see places that I had visited and also those on ‘the list’. Actually ‘the list’ grew a little today!!! Not suggesting that you should visit with the aim of finding an alternative company with which to travel,  just recommending that it is worth going for the atmosphere and fun.  Loads of food to taste, competitions to enter, pens and bags to collect, leaflets and books in abundance, travel accessories to buy and, of course, ideas for future trips. 

There is another exhibition at the Excel Centre in London at the end of Feb so if you are anywhere near I would just say that i found it really worth the effort and hope you would too. Also ‘thank you’ to Julia and co for the welcome.

  • (Member)
Hi Intrepid,

It was lovely to see you and other community members at the show and I'm delighted to hear that you enjoyed your day. We absolutely love having the opportunity to get out of the office and talk to travellers face-to-face, sharing that desire to see more of the world.

For anyone who couldn't make Destinations, as Intrepid Traveller has mentioned, Just You will also be exhibiting at the Telegraph Travel show at Excel and you can request complimentary tickets here: 

I'll be there with some of the wider Just You team, so please, come along and talk to us about your upcoming travel plans!

I hope to see some of you soon

Kindest regards,


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