  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
The holiday started at gatwick with a BA flight, all very comfortable although a few more Birmingham flights would really help us midlanders, It was almost a waste of money booking the room at a hotel due to the early start.

Jan the TM was excellent even though she had one passenger hospitalised due to a fall and Broken bone, I myself took a tumble but only had bruises. So if you are going take sensible shoes. 

The hotel is beautiful so peaceful with its own beach and all rooms overlook the beach or the harbour,  my room was lovely with a spa bath and although some complained about having family rooms I had no complaints. It was very hot whilst there as expected and so I didn't do all the trips but everyone seemed to enjoy them. The spa was amazing I went every day and so did most but again be careful as some areas are slippy. Now the food, oh dear what a let down, it was served by surely waiters and waitresses and was either veal or fish and a veggie option, I can't eat fish and after three nights of veal decided to eat out at lunch time, it is a shame because everything else was good.

It's not somewhere I would return to because of the poor service and the food and I think most on our trip felt the same.

But I cannot praise Jan enough she is the best TM I have had and I have done many trips

'valley' wrote:

The holiday started at gatwick with a BA flight, all very comfortable although a few more Birmingham flights would really help us midlanders, It was almost a waste of money booking the room at a hotel due to the early start.

Jan the TM was excellent even though she had one passenger hospitalised due to a fall and Broken bone, I myself took a tumble but only had bruises. So if you are going take sensible shoes. 

The hotel is beautiful so peaceful with its own beach and all rooms overlook the beach or the harbour,  my room was lovely with a spa bath and although some complained about having family rooms I had no complaints. It was very hot whilst there as expected and so I didn't do all the trips but everyone seemed to enjoy them. The spa was amazing I went every day and so did most but again be careful as some areas are slippy. Now the food, oh dear what a let down, it was served by surely waiters and waitresses and was either veal or fish and a veggie option, I can't eat fish and after three nights of veal decided to eat out at lunch time, it is a shame because everything else was good.

It's not somewhere I would return to because of the poor service and the food and I think most on our trip felt the same.

But I cannot praise Jan enough she is the best TM I have had and I have done many trips

Hi valley,

Many thanks for your review.

I am glad to know you've enjoyed most elements of your holiday although I am equally really sorry you thought the food wasn't up to Just You standards.

Apologies if you did but just in case you didn't, we always recommend that all our customers advise us of any food allergies/intolerances and any general issue at time of booking.

Did you also raise your issues with Jan in resort? Our amazing tour managers do all they can to deal with issues

in resort to ensure the best possible experience for our customers.


Our team of Holiday Creators are continuously monitoring quality scores and speaking with hoteliers and agents to rectify any issue.

Kind regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Valley

Thanks for your review.  This is a holiday I have considered so this is really helpful.  What a shame about the food - this is something you expect to be great in Italy and although I know all tastes and palates vary it isn't unreasonable to expect some variety

Hi Valley. 

I hope you have recovered after your fall, and that the bruising isn't too bad now.  I was equally sorry to read that someone else on the trip had a fall and broke a bone.  There is (as you have found out) some walking on uneven surfaces, steps and slopes on this holiday, and (at the risk of being shouted down again on this), I do feel that JY ought to be emphasising this on the main overview.  It's not difficult walking, but you do need to be aware of your feet, and wear sensible footwear.  :)

As far as the food in the hotel is concerned I am a little shocked.  The first time I went (which was the first JY trip out there), I found the food more than adequate, and the staff were friendly.  The only complaint I had was at the very slow service in the restaurant.   The second time there was a buffet service at night and you just picked out whether you wanted fish or meat and it was bought to you as part of the main course.  There was a decent choice.  I will not eat veal, and although I enjoy fish I would not have wanted it every night, so I can totally understand your feelings.  I never encountered surly service though, and I hope JY feed that back to the hotel.  I never ate in the hotel at lunchtime.

  • (Member)
Hi Valley,

I went to Cilento last year and loved the hotel, the spa and the area but there were issues with the food. Alison, the Tour Manager, spoke to the hotel and we were given a different menu. From then on it was a bit better but still not what we expected from that standard of hotel.


I went on the 6th June trip and I would say that their is definitely room for improvement regarding the food, a lady on our trip was there on her 2nd visit and she said that the food was really nice the first time she was there but it has gone down hill. abit since then, which is a shame .I am allergic to fish and went for the buffet lunch when I first arrived on the first day and there was nothing there to say what was in the dishes and I ended up with salmon and squid on my plate, luckily Jan TM came to the rescue and we started again and she talked me through what I could and could not have after checking with the staff. This could have really spoilt my holiday if I had of ate the fish but luckily it was ok, but maybe something to look in to, other wise it was a very nice holiday and the location is lovely.
  • (Member)
I am planning to do this trip in the near future as most reviews have been very good. I am a vegetarian so hope there will be something for me though I usually manage with whatever is available.
