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(Member) (Topic Starter)
I have recently come back from this 2 centre holiday.


I couldn't fault.  Excellent hotel in a good location with good food.  The excursions were also well planned and interesting with an excellent local guide.


Hotel in a remote location. A couple of people had problems with their rooms the first night and they were moved. 

Food adequate but in a large noisy restaurant which was laid out like a school canteen.  Difficult to get in and out of tables as they were so close together. No tables reserved for Just You clients.


Hotel so large I and others had difficulty finding our rooms which was not funny when looking in the dark. 3 of us couldn't find our room on the second night(first night we were taken down with our luggage on a vehicle). We went to reception and the guy just laughed and pointed us in the general direction of our rooms and we found them eventually.  I believe Just You changed the hotel this year as they received complaints about the hotel last year.

Hotel's clients were mainly italian families with young children. I cannot see how Just You think this hotel is appropriate for their clients. I was under the impression that all hotels were visited by a member of Just You. If this is the case the person who visited this hotel does not understand the standards we expect.

As there were a lot of moans from the group re the Hotel the Tour Guide had a vote on the bus the morning after we arrived and 18/21 wanted to be moved to another hotel.  This was referred back to Just You head office and we were told they could not get another hotel and that was that. Tour guide was OK  but didn't mix with the group. 

On a positive note the rooms were large and clean and the air conditioning worked.  The excursions were good  but need to be tweaked as far as timings are concerned. Fellow travellers were good company.  

I will be sending a letter of complaint to Just You. I normally do not go on a holiday unless I have seen positive reviews and I will not make that mistake again. 

I have travelled with Just You for years and quite frankly this is the first time I will be writing an official letter of complaint.  

I have seen several complaints re Hotels chosen this year so this is not a one off. 


Hi Eve,

First of all apologies for the delay.

I’m really pleased that you enjoyed your stay in Malta along with the excursions available.

I’m so sorry to hear that you encountered some issues with your hotel in Sicily. I have forwarded your comments on to our customer care team who will look into this, investigate what's happened and contact you directly.

Kind regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Elisa

Thanks for the response.

I can confirm that I received an e-mail from a Senior Customer Serices Executive this morning confirming this matter is being investigated and that I will get a full response as soon as possible.



  • (Member)
Hi Eve

Thanks for posting such an honest review and I am really sorry that the Sicily trip didn't live up to expectations.

This is interesting as I went on this holiday in May 2015 and it was exactly the same, Malta great, Sicily awful hotel miles from anywhere, school canteen food and not much of it, poor organisation.  Along with many others in the group I wrote a letter of complaint which they investigated but I am sorry to see that the hotel issues in Sicily continue.  I felt so badly about the holiday and the subsequent response that I have felt wary of booking another JY holiday since, although I had never had a substantial complaint previously.
  • (Member)
Hi Eve

I can understand the problem of not being able to find your room. I had this problem when I did the Mexico add-on after the Mexico, Guatemala and Belize tour. First of all I do not have much sense of direction and this hotel was huge plus rooms set in blocks. For 2 days I could not find my room and had to ask for assistance from the hotel staff after going round and round in circles for a long time. Eventually, once something clicked and I started finding my room easily and I then enjoyed the hotel!


I did this trip last year - and exactly the same.  Malta good. The Sicily hotel not good at all - and remote.  It's a real shame because Sicily should be a fantastic experience as it's such a wonderful pace to visit. 

Surely there's no shortage of decent hotels in this region?

Apart from the hotel what was the actual trip like?