'hi wrote:

I don't have anything significant to add to the comprehensive reviews already posted - which I can heartily endorse - but I thought that those interested in this tour might like to see some photos, so I have uploaded a random but, I hope, representative selection, focused mainly on the wildlife: 

Those with a reasonable Internet bandwidth can most conveniently watch this as a slideshow (leftmost icon, top right).

Borneo and Singapore are a photographers' paradise, so this is only a tiny selection: the photos are however  in chronological order so it should be possible to correlate them roughly with the day-by-day accounts provided by Jaya and AbbaDave. If/when time permits, I'll try to provide a fully annotated slideshow suitable for burning to a DVD.


PS - the climate presented no operational problems for my cameras (a Nikon DSLR and a Panasonic TZ "travel compact") other than an occasional temporary misting of the lenses during periods of very high humidity - no worse than, say, in the butterfly house of a UK zoo.