have you tried copy and paste or save as worked for me


'AbbaDave' wrote:

have you tried copy and paste or save as worked for me


I dont seem to have an options for that when I click on the pic. im using firefox. I even created myself an account on flickr but still no joy. Must be doing something wrong.

have you got a mouse you can right click with, there must be a way for you

hope you can work it out

  • (Member)
Hi Ian

You do have to right click on the photo to get the option of copying or saving.


'AbbaDave' wrote:

have you got a mouse you can right click with, there must be a way for you

hope you can work it out

Ive tried everything. I dont get the copy function when I right click. So frustrating. Arrrrrgh

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'smudger1' wrote:

'AbbaDave' wrote:

Have you got a mouse you can right click with, there must be a way for you

hope you can work it out

Ive tried everything. I don't get the copy function when I right click. So frustrating. Arrrrrgh

Oh dear!

I had a quick look at this last night, but could see no obvious way of changing download permissions. I have a very large number of photos on Flickr, but they all have a default status of "private", so viewable etc only by me, and this is the first time I have tried to grant access to anyone outside. I'll have a longer look over the weekend when I have time. I am surprised that copy & paste does not work. I'll have to log out of the system to try this. Flickr must be more secure than I thought!

Meanwhile, have you tried enlarging to full screen and then using the  "save page as" function? You should be able to get a link (URL) to the photo which you should then be able to save, admittedly as an html rather than a jpg file, but it should still display correctly on your screen.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'smudger1' wrote:

'AbbaDave' wrote:

have you got a mouse you can right click with, there must be a way for you

hope you can work it out

Ive tried everything. I dont get the copy function when I right click. So frustrating. Arrrrrgh

PS to my last

I have just tried this with a random photo on Flickr, and obtained a downloaded *.html accompanied by, in the usual way, an html file directory. In this directory were several jpg copies (of different sizes) of the original photo.

Of course, I don't know what the photo's file permissions are, but it might work with the Borneo files?


Hi Smudger, are you using a personal computer or a work one? I know when I use my company laptop I am often restricted on things I can download where my personal laptop will work fine. It could also be a security issue, you could go in and add the site to your safe list and see if that helps.
'jayli' wrote:

'smudger1' wrote:

'AbbaDave' wrote:

Have you got a mouse you can right click with, there must be a way for you

hope you can work it out

Ive tried everything. I don't get the copy function when I right click. So frustrating. Arrrrrgh

Oh dear!

I had a quick look at this last night, but could see no obvious way of changing download permissions. I have a very large number of photos on Flickr, but they all have a default status of "private", so viewable etc only by me, and this is the first time I have tried to grant access to anyone outside. I'll have a longer look over the weekend when I have time. I am surprised that copy & paste does not work. I'll have to log out of the system to try this. Flickr must be more secure than I thought!

Meanwhile, have you tried enlarging to full screen and then using the  "save page as" function? You should be able to get a link (URL) to the photo which you should then be able to save, admittedly as an html rather than a jpg file, but it should still display correctly on your screen.


Any luck Jim with permissions yet? I cant seem to find any solution myself. Such a shame for some great pics.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'smudger1' wrote:

'jayli' wrote:

'smudger1' wrote:

'AbbaDave' wrote:

Have you got a mouse you can right click with, there must be a way for you

hope you can work it out

Ive tried everything. I don't get the copy function when I right click. So frustrating. Arrrrrgh

Oh dear!

I had a quick look at this last night, but could see no obvious way of changing download permissions. I have a very large number of photos on Flickr, but they all have a default status of "private", so viewable etc only by me, and this is the first time I have tried to grant access to anyone outside. I'll have a longer look over the weekend when I have time. I am surprised that copy & paste does not work. I'll have to log out of the system to try this. Flickr must be more secure than I thought!

Meanwhile, have you tried enlarging to full screen and then using the  "save page as" function? You should be able to get a link (URL) to the photo which you should then be able to save, admittedly as an html rather than a jpg file, but it should still display correctly on your screen.


Any luck Jim with permissions yet? I cant seem to find any solution myself. Such a shame for some great pics.

I've had a look at the Flickr settings but, as far as I can see, permission to download is a global setting, not a setting for an individual photo or album - and, with 30,000 photos on Flickr, I am not prepared to do this.

However, as it says on Flickr:

"If your photo is publicly viewable, you can only discourage others from downloading it. You can't stop others from downloading images they can publicly view in their web browser.

Discourage downloading

Here are some actions you can take to discourage others from downloading your photos, but remember, by "discourage," we do mean simply "discourage."

. . . . ."

I think this refers to the trick I mentioned earlier, namely: save each photo as an html file (ie right-click and select "Save page as . . "), then find the jpg in the corresponding html directory in your "Downloads" folder (there will be three, of different sizes, at least one of which wil be displayable full-screen) - I have tried this and it does appear to work.

If I get time, I'll try putting some photos on Dropbox, and see if these are, or can be made to be, downloadable.


'Julie White' wrote:

Thank you Jim,

Excellent photo's.

Regards Julie

Hi Julie, were you on the June Borneo trip? You should post some of your photos, they were amazing, except for any of me and my horrendous humidity hair.

Hope the Singapore add on was fab, Borneo was over far too quickly, even missing Roland and his jokes


Julie White
Hello Sarah,

Yes it is me and sorry I haven't replied any sooner I just haven't had the time to go on the community.

Here is a link to a few of my favourite pics (no humidity hair in sight ) 

I hope you like them

Regards Julie

  • (Member)
Hi Julie,

Great photos, many thanks for sharing!  Looking forward to meeting you in Burma next year.

Best wishes,


Stunning photos Julie
  • (Member)
Thanks for sharing Julie - you have some wonderful shots and no doubt some precious memories.
Julie White
Hello Bob, sally and Jonah,

Thank you all for your comments it was an amazing holiday and the photo's prove it.

See you next year Bob and Sally

Best wishes Julie

Superb photos Julie, thanks for sharing.  A brilliant reminder of a fantastic holiday.  It was good to see you again.


  • (Member)
Hi Julie

Thank you for sharing your photos, they're fantastic!!

The superb wildlife, friendly travel companions & the expertise of the local guides & our tour manager made for an amazing experience. 

My only complaint is I didn't see a polar bear.......


Julie White
Thank you Michelle and Taffy,

It was lovely seeing you both again and the holiday was an amazing experience. Especially looking for pygmy elephants in the dark on a boat and the guide barking like a dog. This memory will stay with me for ever I think.

Taffy if you had gone to Singapore you would have definitely seen a polar bear.....


  • (Member)
Hi Taffy, 

If you'd done the Singapore add-on you could have got some great photos of a polar bear at the zoo!  He was very obliging at posing for pics on land and in the water!  I see from Facebook that Yvette Barnett got some fantastic photos of a couple of bears on the Summer Arctic Safari tour, lucky her!

All the best,
