• (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi. Been on the Lake Como trip June16-23. Everything went very smoothly thanks to our great tour guide Caroline Rapani. Wonderful weather, great hotel right by the lakeside, and loads of choice at meal times. Mountains all round. Just outside the hotel there was the lake ferry, the noddy train or local buses so easy to get about on free days. Can highly recommend one of the optional trips.. the Bernina express train from Tirana in Italy over the Alps to St Moritz in Switzerland. There is still snow on the peaks. The journey back by coach is just like the white knuckle rides at Alton Towers, winding roads down the mountain side. Seems a bit expensive at first sight but very well worth it..wouldn't like to have missed it. Here's a little tip if you like your cup of tea. Ask for this at the hotel bar and you get a cup of hot water,-tea bag in the saucer and a carton of milk. Go next door to the Red and White cafe and for just 50 cents more you have a pot of tea already mashed, jug of milk and jug of hot water-and 3 chocolates when you pay the bill. They've obviously found out what we English like. Hello to anyone else who was on the same trip. June
  • (Member)

what a lovely review. Lake como has been on my list for a long time!


Hi June,

Great review - I have never considered Lake Como as a destination before, but I love the sound of Bermina Express train over the Alps and the white knuckle ride back, so I may well have to put this on my list.
