I was also on the Xmas in Edinburgh trip and can endorse what Anne says about the service in the hotel, it did leave a lot to be desired. I think she was unfair about the Tour Manager though - she was dealing with a very large group with various complaints and queries - so I think the 'sucking up' allegation was unkind and unwarranted.

What's this about a voucher - do all 52 get one or only if you complain multiple times? Surely if the service is not good enough for one it's not good enough for anybody?

  • (Member)
Hi BarbaraB,

Our customer services team respond to travellers on an individual basis from calls, letters, questionnaires and feefo replies that make their way into the business. We have had a few customers complain that they were not happy with certain issues, whilst others have been complimentary. If you would like to raise any issues that you had with the holiday, the team will happily investigate and respond to you personally.

Kindest regards,


Puer aeternus
'anniethenitnurse' wrote:

hi Julia,

Just a quickie to say many thanks to the customer services team re my recent complaint about my Christmas break in Edinburgh. I'm happy to hear that the hotel have admitted that more could have been done to make our stay more enjoyable. It's also good to know that JY actually do act upon this type of feedback and not just ignore it. Also, many thanks for the voucher, and I'm sure I'll use it at some point in the future

Best wishes


Great to hear that your complaint was finally resolved, the break sounded horrendous. All good organisations should understand the the quality of their business is not when things go as planned, its how quickly and efficiently they resolves problems when they arise. Not enough people complain about bad service in this country, I dont understand it, when your paying a lot of money for a service or goods you have a right to expect a good standard, if not, then the organisation should put it right.

Feedback is inavaluable and I'm glad you raised your head above the parapet to say how it was, it certainly warned me off this trip, just as a good review can tempt me onto one.

  • (Member)
I agree, i am glad this has been resolved. It seems like the hotel staff have really let you down!
