Peter Jersey
(Member) (Topic Starter)
What a fabulous holiday. China was so different to anything that I had expected to see. Make no mistake, this holiday is full on from morning till dusk and then some. All the hotels were first class and the restaurants where we went for lunch or dinner were also very good. Of course, a holiday is only as good as the group makes it and in that respect it was excellebt. A word of warning about breakfast on the plane. We were offered Omlette or Porridge. Beware of the ingredients, ours had beef in it, and personally I did not like it. I kept clear of the porridge from then on. You do need to be reasonably fit and unfortunately I had 2 falls in hotels and was unable to do all the sightseeing. Some steep climbs are involved, more suited to a mountain goat. I would love to go again, but the body tells me no. The cruise at the end is the oerfect winding session that you need. Everyone on the cruise was upgraded by one level which was superb. Free washing of 4 items a day means that you are saved the chore when you get home. Tea, coffee, biscuits are free all day long so I would advise anyone going to book an upgrade on the cruise, you never know, you may be upgraded to an executive suite, like several of us were. On a personsal not I would like to thank Carole, Noreen and David for looking after me. A brilliant holiday.


  • (Member)
Hi Peter after all the discussion before you went on this holiday, I am delighted that you enjoyed it so much and I hope the falls did not cause you too much pain or discomfort. It is easy to have a fall in an unfamiliar environment, I slipped in the shower in Buenos Aires, which could have been very nasty and I'm only 42!! I am hoping to do the new Inspiring China tour in 2014 (so JY don't you dare drop it before then!!) and I am very much looking forward to it.

Best wishes,


  • (Member)

Really glad to read that you have had a great tour and meet a nice bunch of people. Falling over happens to the best of us I went over in style in the hotel bar (I was not drunk!) in Hong Kong. I say it's the younger ones?? that can cause more trouble unlike Bob I am not 42 add another 10.

I have had a look at the China tours and have read many reports and it sure sounds full on, but fun as well.



Brilliant to hear you had a wonderful time. I am hoping to go next Spring if I can pluck up the courage. Can you tell me did you have to eat with chopsticks in the restaurants/on the cruise as if you did I need to start practising now.

Best wishes


Peter Jersey
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Chris

You do not need to go into training for how to use chopsticks. Forks are always available. Food is served on Lazy Susans and you help yourself to whatever you want. Most lunches and dinners had 3 or 4 different meats and fish with lots of different veggies. However, it may be a good idea to practice squatting when you want to go to the toilet. Some places did not have those new fangled toilets that have seats!! Be prepared to take loo paper and antiseptic hand gel..Keep clear of the rainy season May to August as a rough guide.

Cheers and all the best


What did you think of the actual cruise? Was it worth doing and what did u do for those 4 days - were their any excursions? Im thinking of doing the china trip but cant decide whether to do the cruise add on.



  • (Member)
'Lucinda' wrote:

What did you think of the actual cruise? Was it worth doing and what did u do for those 4 days - were their any excursions? Im thinking of doing the china trip but cant decide whether to do the cruise add on.



Plenty to do on the cruise, excursions and lectures. No need to be bored! What little time one has to oneself is a chance to unwind a little before the long flight home.Only thing I did not like was disembarking - in the main it was quite a walk along "floating walkways".

The whole China experience was well worth doing. I did the upgrade on the boat which proved to be great. A larger cabin and bathroom plus the four pieces of laundry each day.

Go and enjoy it. It was my first JY holiday (first on my own for many years), had wanted to go to China for years, it fulfilled all my dreams and more.



  • (Member)
I did this trip in 2008. The bus journey from Wuhan to Yichang is quite long - about 4 hours. The Yangtze scenery is fabulous and not to be missed. There were morning excursions e.g. Temples plus the 3 Gorges Dam itself. Chongqing is huge and bustling (ugly?). There was no option to 'upgrade' on the boat but it might be a good idea as the accommodation was below hotel standard at that time. Go for it!