Classy Chris
(Member) (Topic Starter)
michael hurcum
Went on south africa exployer end nov/dec 2010, very good but if anyone is going to Robbin island go toNelson Mandela gateway at the V&A waterfront and try and book tickets for the optional days. Several of us got to the V&A on the arrival day and got tickets for the next day. Also try the website before going.
Don't forget to take your sunblock and camera ...the James beach is really great....


  • (Member)
What did you think of South Africa? I am thinking of going to either SA or Australia over Christmas 2011, but another traveller was not very enthusiastic.
  • (Member)
'Classy wrote:


Hi Chris, what happened to your post? you had some very helpful tips and I went back to look at them again, as I'm doing the trip in Sept and they have disappeared?!!