  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Tour Operator at Clarion Hotel on 22 Dec was not aware that two passengers (including myself) were leaving on early flight to Pisa on 23rd confirmed this by telephoning office during dinner. On reflection thought that the Tour Operator actually at the airport could have let us know about the delays the night before and organised a check in say the night before? Food at the Byron Hotel was mediocre but staff very friendly. Rooms were clean and beds comfortable and room warm. Martin Vickers and Rebecca the tour operators in Italy were excellent and worked hard. Although Martin did not speak fluent Italian I believe Rebecca did. In the event of an emergency I think operators should both have a good grasp of the language of the country. Personally speaking I would have liked more free time. On balance the holiday was a success - marks out of ten - eight.
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