  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi to anyone joining me on this trip.  My first since March 2020 so definitely dipping my toe back in the travel waters. 

I have a few queries re covid restrictions which I am trying to get my head around. One is whether when travelling on the JY coach this is considered to be public transport i.e masks will be required - at the moment in France and Italy as far as I can tell.  Italy currently require the higher grade masks with filters in public areas - hopefully this will be lifted before we go but if not this will presumably apply to the hotel?

I understand re the 270 days for Covid vaccination status and am compliant, my passport expiry is fine and I know I need to do the passenger locator form but presumably only for Italy?

I know restrictions are simpler now but it is still a minefield and don't find the JY information very clear.  Perhaps it is me!! :sleepy:

  • (Member)
Hi Jonah

I hope you are really looking forward to your Just You holiday.

We are advising customer to follow local covid procedures so that does mean masks on buses and carrying one with you at all times. The tour manager will support on this while on holiday.

Kind regards


  • (Member)
'jonah' wrote:

Hi to anyone joining me on this trip.  My first since March 2020 so definitely dipping my toe back in the travel waters. 

I have a few queries re covid restrictions which I am trying to get my head around. One is whether when travelling on the JY coach this is considered to be public transport i.e masks will be required - at the moment in France and Italy as far as I can tell.  Italy currently require the higher grade masks with filters in public areas - hopefully this will be lifted before we go but if not this will presumably apply to the hotel?

I understand re the 270 days for Covid vaccination status and am compliant, my passport expiry is fine and I know I need to do the passenger locator form but presumably only for Italy?

I know restrictions are simpler now but it is still a minefield and don't find the JY information very clear.  Perhaps it is me!! :sleepy:

Hi Jonah

Sounds like you are off on your travels again shortly. I did that holiday a few years ago. Very relaxing. Enjoyed Monte Carlo when they were getting ready for the Gran Prix. You will enjoy it.

This is your namesake from the Moscow trip by the way!

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bones aka Chris

Lovely to hear from you, hope you are OK. How things have changed since our Russia trip - so sad and unreal.

Yes looking forward to the trip and glad to hear you enjoyed it.  Some restrictions have been lifted which has simplified things a bit with the two country scenario, thank goodness

Hope you have travel plans too.

