  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hopefully I am not asking for "secret" information but do you know if Pantelleria is likely to be in the 2021 programme?  I have got this year sorted, and am starting to think about next! 

My major difficulty is not where to go, but where to go from - it has to be Leeds Bradford, or Heathrow, and short haul, and so many go from Gatwick since BA moved.  I am not going to get into a debate about the merits or otherwise of LHR and GTW but just say I am not going to drag my luggage across London.


  • (Member)
Hi Sylvia,

So I've been asking around and at the moment, the Italy collection hasn't been confirmed for 2021 yet. However, I've been advised that with a bit of luck, it will still be included in the Just You programme.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Sylvia,

So I've been asking around and at the moment, the Italy collection hasn't been confirmed for 2021 yet. However, I've been advised that with a bit of luck, it will still be included in the Just You programme.

Kindest regards,


Thank you Julia.

I will "watch this space".



  • (Member)
'sjm533' wrote:

Hopefully I am not asking for "secret" information but do you know if Pantelleria is likely to be in the 2021 programme?  I have got this year sorted, and am starting to think about next! 

My major difficulty is not where to go, but where to go from - it has to be Leeds Bradford, or Heathrow, and short haul, and so many go from Gatwick since BA moved.  I am not going to get into a debate about the merits or otherwise of LHR and GTW but just say I am not going to drag my luggage across London.


I have booked 2 holidays with JY this year but would also like to go to Pantelleria next year. Like you. it depends which airport the holidays depart from & I will only go from Gatwick, which is my local airport !

A job to please us all !


'sjm533' wrote:

Hopefully I am not asking for "secret" information but do you know if Pantelleria is likely to be in the 2021 programme?  I have got this year sorted, and am starting to think about next! 

My major difficulty is not where to go, but where to go from - it has to be Leeds Bradford, or Heathrow, and short haul, and so many go from Gatwick since BA moved.  I am not going to get into a debate about the merits or otherwise of LHR and GTW but just say I am not going to drag my luggage across London.


Couldn't agree with you more Sylvia!  🙂