There are currently 13 travellers booked on this tour.
Kind Regards,
Good Afternoon Cargrat,There are currently 13 travellers booked on this tour. Kind Regards,Mildred
Good Afternoon Cargrat,
What is the age range please
The age ranges from late-40s to early-70s.
Good Afternoon Cargrat,The age ranges from late-40s to early-70s. Kind Regards,Mildred.
Can I have an update on the m\ke up of the group please?
Thank you.
well the situation has changed since you last asked and I can confirm that the tour is now fully booked with 25 travellers booked. The group is made up of 10 men and 15 women with ages from mid-40s through to early-70s.
Kindest regards,
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