(Member) (Topic Starter)

I am travelling to Kerala in a fortnight. Please can you tell me how many people are on this tour and the name of the tour leader.

I have wheelchair assistance booked but please assure the tour leader I only have this to ensure that I won't have exhausted my back before I enjoy the tour! I had back surgery a couple of years ago but don't want to upset anything on that long,fast walk to the plane!

Thank you


There are 9 people in total travelling on the Kerala holiday departing on 15th September and the tour manager is Erica Hajdu.

I have passed your message above to the relevant team who will be in touch with you if they feel it's necessary.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi I had Erica as our tour manager in Borneo in May and she was excellent - very organized, kind and thoughtful.  You will be in safe hands.  Hope you have a great trip!

All the best,


  • (Member)
I totally agree with Bob. Erica is marvellous. This is a very small group of 9 people so you will get to know each other very well indeed! Have a wonderful holiday - Kerala is beautiful and food is delicious.
