(Member) (Topic Starter)

Could you tell me the age range on this trip please? Are there still places available?

What is the luggage allowance on the weekend trip?

Many thanks.

Hi Jemimalollipop,

The age range of the group varies from 43 to 80, so a real mix.

There are 3 places still available.

There is no weight description on the luggage allowance as long as you can carry it yourself.

Kind regards,


I did this trip last June, and wrote a review.  I had a great weekend. The gardens were stunning, with the  water lilies just in bloom. Just one note on luggage,  space for cases is a bit limited in the standard carriages is a bit limited, so smaller cases work best on this one. I would also recommend  wheeled cases that is easy to tow. Unlike  on flights, on euorstar, there is no checked luggage so you have to get your own case on and off the the train.