  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Monty

I know this is a long way away but, when you get a chance, could you please find out the cost of any optional excursions and whether or not you can pay for them with the local currency, I have got quite a lot of South African Rand left over from the Namibia trip as I had ordered for both trips and am trying to work out if it is worth getting some more as the exchange rate is very good at the moment - just over 23 rand instead of 19, which I got last year!


Hi Jaya,

Reservations for these excursions will be accepted by your Tour Manager and payment should be made in South African Rand only whilst you're in South Africa. Zambian optional excursions can be paid for in US Dollars or Sterling. See below for the full list of optional excursions:

Botswana - Chobe Game Drive (£113.00)

South Africa - 1st Afternoon Game Drive (£47.00)

South Africa - 2nd Afternoon Game Drive (£47.00)

South Africa - Bush Walk (£67.00)

South Africa - Cape Town Township Tour (£28.00)

South Africa - Full Day Game Drive (£ 54.00)

South Africa - Knysna Township Tour (£36.00)

South Africa - Morning Game Drive (£49.00)

South Africa - Mount Nelson Afternoon Tea - Prebookable Only (£40.00)

Zambia - David Livingstone Museum (£31.00)

Zambia - Elephant Back Safari (£107.00)

Zambia - Helicopter Flight (from £120.00)

Zambia - Livingstone Island (£102.00)

Zambia - Microlight flight (from £110.00)

Zambia - Royal Livingstone Express (£113.00)

Please note these tours will operate subject to minimum numbers and all prices quoted are approximate and subject to change without notice.

I hope this helps.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you very much Monty. At this rate I will have to go and rob a Bank!


Julie White
Hello Jaya,

You will love South Africa and Zambia. It is an amazing trip.

The Royal Livingstone Express is a lovely trip I recommend that you do this one if you can.

Regards Julie

Hi Monty

I was thinking of doing this holiday next year but after reading the costs of the excursions it is making me think twice about doing the extension.

£67 for a Bush Walk! Is this correct?


Hi Eve,

That is correct. I have detailed the description for the excursion below, which may give you more of an idea of what is included.

"Transfer to a Big 5 Private Game Reserve. Here you will be accompanied by armed and experienced game rangers that have the necessary qualifications in bush-walks, dangerous Game and Advanced Weapon handling. As the day breaks, the rangers will introduce you to a number of skills including tracking, animal behaviour, identification, plants and trees.

2-3 hour walk in a Big 5 area - Moderate to strenuous walking - Nature at its best."

I hope this helps.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Jaya/Eve,

Just a few comments about the excursions - first of all, even though it is expensive the Zambia add-on was the best part of the tour! Don't get me wrong, South Africa was amazing and is probably still my favourite country but we just had so many brilliant experiences in Zambia I would say if you can do it and the excursions, then please do - I'm sure you won't regret it!

The Kruger game drives were largely included when we were there - I think there was one optional drive, which I did. There is such diversity at Kruger; we saw a couple of lions and had a glimpse of a leopard, fantastic!

We didn't have the option of a Cape Town township tour but we did the Knysna one, which was very interesting especially visiting the primary school. I'd say you'd only want to do one or the other, so if you can wait till you get to SA and quiz the TM about what's involved in the two tours and then decide which you want to do. The Mount Nelson afternoon tea wasn't on offer when we were there, so I can't advise about that.

For the Zambia excursions, I'd say you'd want to do either the chopper ride over the Falls or the microlight and not both - one lady did both on our tour but I'd say it's an either/or situation - I did the helicopter (30 mins) and loved it. It was brilliant not only seeing the Falls from above but also a herd of elephants!

Livingstone Island is expensive but we got to go right to the edge of the Falls (it was dry season) on foot and also had a boat tour along the Zambezi, as well as an excellent lunch. The Royal Livingstone Express is a must, a wonderful steam train like the Orient Express with a gourmet dinner in elegant surroundings as you make your way through the national park at sunset!

The Chobe NP visit in Botswana is a must - a fantastic experience in a world famous park. On the way there we saw the point where four countries meet on the river; the morning consisted of a river cruise where we saw an amazing amount of hippos, crocs and other wildlife, especially birds. We had a great buffet lunch and then a 4x4 game drive where we saw huge numbers of elephants.

A couple of folks on our tour did the museum but said it wasn't that exciting. I did the elephant safari and enjoyed it - hadn't been on an elephant before - we saw very little wildlife but it was fun and also great to be able to feed the elephants afterwards. They seemed to really enjoy it too - one lady dropped her shoe getting off and the elephant bent down and picked the shoe up with its trunk and handed it to her!!

I think that just about covers anything but if you have any questions I'll do my best to answer them!



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Thanks for the details. I am definitely doing the Livingstone Island, Livingstone Express, Chobe National Park, the Elephant Safari and the helicopter ride - have never been on a helicopter before so this should be exciting (hope my aging heart can take in all the excitement!). I have been on an elephant in Thailand, but for a very short time and am looking forward to the longer ride. Approximate cost of all these excursions is £555! My only concern is if we will have time to do all this as we are in Zambia for only 3 nights whereas you had 4. I think I will take Sterling instead of dollars to pay for the excursions in Zambia as at the moment the rate is not too good. I will get some more Rand to pay for the excursions as the rate is good at the moment. In South Africa we only have a morning game drive included so I will do the optional afternoon game drive. On the free day I am planning to do the optional bush walk and perhaps another game drive. I may as well do the Mount Nelson Tea and will decide on which township tour to do whilst there. We do have Soweto included so not sure if I want to do any more. Excluding the township tours, the cost of other optional excursions will be ca £200. I will have to count all the Rand I have left over from Namibia and perhaps may have enough as I think I have about £650-700 worth. Definitely time to rob the bank!

Julie, I am really excited about this trip and looking forward to the big adventure.

Monty, I am presuming that there is a chance to see some game whilst on the bush walk? I have seen pictures of a lady walking holding on to a lion's tail whilst on a bush walk so hope I get this chance too.

Also, hopefully there will be time for cheetah interaction in Zambia. Perhaps I am being greedy, but I want to do as much as possible. Can't wait....


Hi All

I agree with Bob, please do all or as many of the excursions as you can. I was on the SA and Zambia trip in March 2012. I did all the game drives, Knysna township and Chobe visit. Mount Nelson and the Bush Walk (I can see why its expensive) were not on offer. Livingstone island is a must, especially visiting the room with a view! No one wanted to go on the Livingstone Express so couldn't do that.



  • (Member)
Hi Sylvia,

Wow I can't believe no one on your add-on wanted to do the Royal Livingstone Express - all 14 on our add-on did it and we treated the tour manager so she could come too! The food and atmosphere were wonderful.

All the best,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I hope we have enough people wanting to do the Livingstone Express as I do not want to miss out. I wonder if you need a minimum number or it does not matter. I am really looking forward to this and may decide to go on my own (if it is allowed) if no one else doing the add-on want to come!


  • (Member)
Hi Jaya,

I've just seen your previous reply now - I think you'd better check with Monty because when I did this tour we needed US $ for the Zambia add-on and for the excursions there. Perhaps this has changed. I read a review from someone who has done the tour since the add-on changed from 4 to 3 nights and they still managed to fit everything in - although I remember them saying it was extremely hectic! We did have a little free time and we walked through the national park to see the Falls by ourselves - we hired a guide who approached us and he led us through a route that brought us right to the edge of the Falls! We got some great photos though it was a little precarious - when we told our TM later she had a fit!!



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bob

No wonder the Tour Manager have a fit! I watched a programme where the locals went fishing near the falls and it looked precarious to me to be so close to the edge. I do not think I am brave enough to do this. I will be taking US$ but will check with Monty to find out what currency to use to pay for everything in Zambia.

Monty, could you please find out what currency do we use to pay for all the excursions in Zambia and if possible let me know what excursions will be on offer and the cost? This will ensure that I take enough money with me. I know I have too much South African Rand and am not sure if I will use it all!



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Ignore my question re details of excursions and the cost in Zambia as I just remembered you have already given me this information. Just let me know what currency is accepted in Zambia to pay for excursions.

Thank you.


Hi Jaya

I hope you manage to get your trip on the Livingstone Express. However, I must advise you that when I did the JY tour in Oct '13 we were unable to do that particular excursion as the Express doesn't actually run every day and we were unfortunate in that the days we were there were all "off" days. I do hope you have better luck and are not as disappointed as I was.

Apart from that though the SA & Zambia holiday is absolutely wonderful and you are virtually guaranteed a fantastic holiday, I'm envious!!

Best wishes Sue

Peter G
This is my first post although I have been on 4 JY Holidays and have been reading the community entries. I have booked for South Africa with Zambia add on in September. I would like to do several of the options including extra game drives, the Livingstone express and the helicopter trip. Can we pay for any in advance as otherwise I would have to carry lots of money? Also does Botswana Chobe game drive require a visa?
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sue

I sincerely hope that we get to do the Livingstone Express trip otherwise I will be disappointed. Having travelled so far and then finding out that you can't do it is heart breaking! I am very excited about this trip even though I have a long wait till September.



Peter G

I am new to the forum/Community although I have been on 4 JY trips over the past 3 years.I did post a reply on the subject of South Africa /Zambia last week but it has not materialised although the other post did.

I am on this trip in September and am interested in several of the excursions including the Livingstone Express and the Chobe game drive. This latter is in Botswana and so is any visa required ? Also can any of the excursions be pre-booked? Otherwise a lot of cash is required.


Peter G

I am on this tour in September this year with the Zambia add on and I am interested in several excursions. The Chobe park ,the Livingstone Express and the helicopter flight over Victoria Falls seem tempting. Chobe is in Botswana I believe and so will will need a visa as for Zambia? Will we be able to paid for these in advance as it would mean carrying a lot of cash otherwise.


Hi Peter,

Welcome to the community!

Apologies for not getting back to you. I am just waiting on our overseas team to get some information for you regarding the optional excursions. Usually you can pre-book certain excursions if you give our holiday advisors a call, but I would like to be sure whether any need to be paid for whilst you are there.

You will need a Zambian visa when visiting the Victoria Falls. It will be issued on your arrival and there will be no forms to complete but a fee of US$50 per person to pay in cash.

Kindest regards,
