I would be irritated to be told where I had to sit and, fortunately, so far have not been on a trip where this has been the case - TMs have suggested sometimes we move seats to give everyone a chance of the front seats, which is what a reasonable person would do anyway.

Am not aware of any people who have hogged the front seat on any of my trips, but as I often sit mid-coach may not be aware of this. Seems the only thing really bugging group members is when you get someone on a trip who hogs the front seats the entire trip - the TM that Kezzer experienced seemed to have one good solution. But that may not work for all groups depending on size of group etc, think the TMs should be more forceful on the first day on the coach in stating that hogging the front seat throughout the trip was not fair on the rest of the group and front seats may be held and allocated by rotation if group members behaved selfishly.